A Love Affair

kaleidoscopic Panorama 
1 min readMar 4, 2014

He inhaled, and a wave of calm swept over him.

Exhaling clouds of smoke he felt that familiar ease,

His nerves stopped twitching and his heart stopped racing.

Oxygen. His kinda oxygen, he believed.

She watched him across the room.

Watched him float in and out of the crowd.

Always coming back more rejuvenated than before.

An affair. A secret affair, she thought.

Stashed in his deepest recesses.

All day he longed for the whispered crackle.

He was drawn to the flame.

His companion and foe.

As she lay naked in his bed,

He rolled over and lit another.

Seduced by a roll of paper.

He knew he had lost her.

It was a love affair, and nothing could make him let go.

