Sex, Drugs, and DnD

Dungeons, Delves, and Dice
Dungeons, Delves, and Dice
3 min readJul 24, 2019

This post content is rated MA and adult supervision may be required. Only read past this if you are mentally 18 or older.

Today I want to talk about sex. Oh yeah, nasty, dirty, and unadulterated sex. More so, how you deal with it in Dungeons and Dragons.

If you have a high charisma player character (eyeballs the bards out there) then you will likely see some sexual content in a campaign. Probably not in Adventure League, that, but in a homebrew for sure.

Yes, there is a sick player in your group that will try to bang everything, even if they won’t admit it yet. They are the one playing the bard probably.

Anyways, how does a DM handle the scenario? I mean what does the DM say. First off, take into account the audience. If your players are adult enough to handle it, I like to make it hilarious.

“The guard agrees that you would make a wonderful lover. He joins you in your room where acts of questionable morality and legality are committed. In the morning, the guard says to you, I have never made love to a man or a gnome before. He looks at your naked gnome body and says, I really never felt anything and he creeps out of the room as a rather disturbed goat chases behind him.”

If your group requires more coddling you should quite vague with the details. Something along the lines of this.

“The guard goes back to the room with you. In the morning. He walks out the door, questioning the decisions of the night before.”

How risque the campaign will be is up to the DM. These situations are disturbing for some people ( not you bards) and as such, should be treated with care.

I don’t mean avoiding it altogether, but handling it a way that brings enrichment to the game. At the same time, I remind you that DnD is not a smut game.

Don’t be too descriptive. Nobody wants a page worth of dialogue describing the naked body. As I said above, sex in your DnD game should almost always hone at with a satiric approach. Now that you have an idea what to do when the subject of sex. Comes up in a DnD game, let’s talk drugs.

image from Fallout 4

If there are drugs in your DnD game, some player will want to try them. What the drugs do is entirely up to the DM. I have a friend who’s character us a drug addict. It is a very small part of the game, but it does cause some social interactions.

For instance,.when he is tweaking hard people notice him. When we go to a town, he immediately seeks out a drug dealer. The point is, drug use shouldn’t throw your story off (p.s. don’t do drugs kids).

Sex and drugs are adult themes. They can increase immersion with the right crowd. For people under 18 though, leave them out of the game.

I hope you were able to find some useful information in this post. If you like what we do make sure to tap those like buttons and follow us for our latest content. How do you handle social taboos like sex and drugs in your DnD campaign? Let us know in the comments.

Thank you so much for reading. Until next time, may you roll many nat 20s.

Originally published at Dungeons, Delves, and Dice.



Dungeons, Delves, and Dice
Dungeons, Delves, and Dice

I am a correctional officer and college student, but writing and gaming are my passions.