Ch. 27: Hit ’em Up—Politics and Evangelical Edition

What happens when a newly “born” angry Black man channels his inner Tupac

Ron Dawson
Dungeons ’n’ Durags


Scene from the music video “Hit ’em up.”

As friends often do, JD, Yolanda, and I kept in touch via text messages. We’d frequently have these epic-long iMessages back and forth over all sorts of topics (usually filmmaking, the movie business, or politics). And we’ve had countless debates and discussions via Skype (which I would conveniently record for use in podcasts).

But the kinds of conversations we had weren’t properly handled by text, so that’s why we ended up switching to Slack, allowing us to properly contextualize and categorize our discussions. (The fact that we had that many discussions that needed categorizing should give you a sense of just how MUCH we “chatter.” Sheeeeeet. A good chunk of this book was born out of conversations like this.)

As I said, we’ve had conversations about all sorts of topics. And now with a properly segmented Slack workspace, we could have long drawn out conversations, unfettered by non-contextual non-sequiturs. And in one such conversation, the topic was Tupac.

Me: So I, um, just heard “Hit ’em up” for the first time. (Somehow I missed this hit.) He really don’t seem too fond of Biggie. I mean, I know they had bad blood, but d-yam, he REALLY, REALLY didn’t have…



Ron Dawson
Dungeons ’n’ Durags

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