How To Guest Post To Creme De La Creme Sites

Duncan Kariuki
Published in
4 min readFeb 11, 2018

You are there, new, and have absolutely no clue how to get your name carry some weight as an authority when you appear on popular sites.

This is everyone’s dream, (for those in the know) to appear on top sites, with this reason:

  1. For social proof
  2. To market their services easily without struggle
  3. To share a piece of cake from the big site audience to their blog/site

However, I still don’t see the reason as to why many of you see this as an uphill task. Probably, it is laziness, lack of courage, inferiority complex, or silly mistakes.


At this age, and hundreds of guest post publication all over the net and still you are asking the same question again and again about “How to become marketable as a freelancer” or “How to attract traffic to a website” yet you carry a 5 years tag as a professional writer. Aaah no, you should know some things, guys.

I will practically illustrate the kind of ‘ignorance’ I am referring to so that you don’t view me as biased and still trying to make a name for myself too…hahaha.

How to guest post stupidly:

“To: (imaginary site/chief editor name)

Subject: Guest Post From a Professional Writer

Hello Amanda,

I am one of the best writers in the world, and I would like to give you a chance to have my content on your site that will help you get a million views

  1. I have the most sought ideas around the web
  2. My content will help your site rank on top of others

Please, I ask you to consider this golden opportunity to have a professional writer give you the best on your blog.

You can reach me on:



Best Wishes

J.K.Malihamazint (Not real)”

Even if it were you with a young blog, and looking for contributors, would you accept such a ‘guest post? Seriously. I tell you out there people have guts.”

Lack Of Focused Content

There are some publications that require you to guest post using a full written post, though very few and I would not advise you taking that route because your content maybe trashed and you end up sulking for spending too much time and money only to be locked out.

However, in case you do, ensure you have a quality content which is focused without ‘typos’ or ‘grammar issues’. It is better you spend $$$ to have your content edited which in turn may bring you a big fortune for only appearing on those top sites, rather than submitting hurried work and fail while at the doorstep.

Even if you were to submit using the common and the most appropriate method, still, provide good/good/good content. Actually over deliver and the audience there will savor your work than you would a fried chicken.

Show Off Your Creativity

You know, when for instance a footballer is hired by a club and supposedly, lots of pounds were used to fish the “footballer” when in the pitch, he has to show off all the skills sending a message to the manager and fans “I am worth that cash or more” so that it doesn’t seem like they were wrong when picking you.

do these three things and you will become the ‘darling’ of these sites.

a) Research the content you are guest posting

b) Write as if addressing the audience (after learning what kind of content they like to digest)

c) Submit your best shot ever

d) Quality and informative

Last But Not The Least

Send your guest posts like a pro, by creating professional templates. Why is this important? Because once they like your idea, they are actually ‘saying yes to a professional who knows how to do things’ Okay? Hope it is a yes…

Professional Sample…


Subject: Request To Guest Post OR

Subject: Revitalizing Steve Jobs Marketing Ideas

actually, have seen the idea work unless for some sites where they strictly require you to adhere to guidelines.

(Actually, if it is a resonating idea it hooks up the editor to open your email fast rather than old-fashioned and boring way of GUEST POST)

Cont to professional guest posting….

Hi Amanda,

My name is ABCD and I am an SEO Copywriter working with ( or (from Haiti). I am interested in writing a guest post for your site.

If you are currently accepting guest post on your website, consider my ideas below.

idea 1: How To Fish In The Pacific

Then here below explain in one paragraph not exceeding 60 words how the article is all about, splitting it into section

idea 2: Create another idea


Idea 3: Create the last one


Then immediately after the 3rd idea, place your best links displaying your ‘aromatic’ content ever. You can drop 3 to 4 links, observing your email arrangement not to look like a heap of words seamed together.

Then lastly, end by saying

“I look forward to hearing from you”


And voila, your name plus other plus advantages will keep rolling towards you for soo long.

