What are the skills needed to become a successful blockchain developer? [infographic]

Grace Guo
Dunya Labs Digest
Published in
2 min readFeb 7, 2019

As a startup that is actively hiring, we’ve noticed an air of mystery and myth around what it means to become a blockchain developer.

Spoiler: It’s more attainable than most traditional developers may believe. Our Head of Engineering, Srivatsa Katta, notes that about 80% of what developers should master for blockchain development is also what they should master for traditional development.

Skills transferable to blockchain development: architecture & design principles, security, code integrity, some programming languages such as C++…

So that last 20% — what’s different, and what hurdles need to be cleared?

  1. Smart contracts and how to model and test them
  2. Self-executing contracts on a shared network
  3. Different types of permission models
  4. Decentralized network resource management
Infographic published Feb 7, 2019 in the Financial Express. Created by Dunya Labs.

Before arriving at blockchain mass adoption, there remain many complexities that need to be abstracted away. At Dunya Labs, we are currently building infrastructure and tools that help facilitate onboarding for traditional developers and users to the decentralized world.

We very much care about and are focused on:

  1. Demystifying blockchain — especially for the developer community
  2. Hosting hands-on workshops and raising awareness through education
  3. Growing India into a strong global blockchain ecosystem contributor
  4. Building the decentralized world, and channeling expertise towards impact

The future of technology is not just blockchain, but scalable blockchain-powered public networks in conjunction with various other technologies.

Dunya Labs focuses on building the tooling and infrastructure required to bring Web 3.0 to the masses. Join us in building the decentralized world.

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