100+ essential phrases in Welsh — Learn Welsh, Over 100 sentences for Welsh learners

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6 min readAug 26, 2024

Over 100 phrases and sentences in Welsh to help anyone start speaking Welsh

Coastline of Wales, Copyright: Wikipedia

“Can I practice speaking in Welsh?” : “Alla i ymarfer siarad yn Gymraeg?”

Basic Greetings and Introductions

  1. Helo! — Hello!
  2. Bore da! — Good morning!
  3. Prynhawn da! — Good afternoon!
  4. Noswaith dda! — Good evening!
  5. Nos da! — Good night!
  6. Sut wyt ti? — How are you? (informal)
  7. Sut ydych chi? — How are you? (formal)
  8. Iawn, diolch. — Fine, thank you.
  9. Dw i’n dda, diolch. — I’m well, thank you.
  10. Beth yw dy enw di? — What’s your name? (informal)
  11. Beth yw eich enw chi? — What’s your name? (formal)
  12. Fy enw i yw… — My name is…
  13. Ble wyt ti’n byw? — Where do you live? (informal)
  14. Ble ydych chi’n byw? — Where do you live? (formal)
  15. Dw i’n byw yn… — I live in…

Common Phrases

  1. Diolch yn fawr! — Thank you very much!
  2. Mae’n ddrwg gennyf. — I’m sorry.
  3. Mae’n ddrwg gennyf, ond… — I’m sorry, but…
  4. Os gwelwch yn dda. — Please.
  5. Nac ydw. — No.
  6. Ie. — Yes.
  7. Sori, dwi ddim yn deall. — Sorry, I don’t understand.
  8. A allwch chi helpu fi? — Can you help me?
  9. Sut alla i gyrraedd… — How can I get to…
  10. Ble mae’r toiledau? — Where are the toilets?

Daily Activities

  1. Beth yw’r amser? — What time is it?
  2. Dw i’n mynd i’r gwaith. — I’m going to work.
  3. Dw i’n mynd i’r ysgol. — I’m going to school.
  4. Dw i’n mynd am dro. — I’m going for a walk.
  5. Mae’n amser cinio. — It’s lunchtime.
  6. Mae’n amser te. — It’s tea time.
  7. Dw i angen siopa. — I need to go shopping.
  8. Ble mae’r bws? — Where is the bus?
  9. Mae’n braf heddiw. — It’s nice today.
  10. Mae’n bwrw glaw. — It’s raining.

Eating and Drinking

  1. Beth sydd ar y menyn? — What’s on the menu?
  2. Mae gen i chwant am goffi. — I feel like having a coffee.
  3. Un coffi, os gwelwch yn dda. — One coffee, please.
  4. Dw i eisiau rhywbeth i’w fwyta. — I want something to eat.
  5. Ydy’r bwyd yma’n dda? — Is the food here good?
  6. Mae’n flasus iawn. — It’s very tasty.
  7. Gallwch chi fy helpu i ddewis? — Can you help me choose?
  8. A allaf gael y bil, os gwelwch yn dda? — Can I have the bill, please?
  9. Mae gen i alergedd. — I have an allergy.

Travel and Directions

  1. Ble mae’r orsaf drenau? — Where is the train station?
  2. Sut mae’r gwasanaeth bws? — How’s the bus service?
  3. Beth yw’r ffordd i… — What’s the way to…
  4. Mae’n bell i fynd. — It’s far to go.
  5. Mae’n agos yma. — It’s close by.
  6. Dw i’n chwilio am y gwesty. — I’m looking for the hotel.
  7. A yw’n bosib cerdded? — Is it possible to walk?
  8. Mae’n hawdd dod yma. — It’s easy to get here.
  9. Pa mor hir mae’r taith? — How long is the journey?
  10. A oes angen cerdyn teithio? — Do I need a travel card?

Shopping and Money

  1. Faint ydy hyn? — How much is this?
  2. Oes gennych chi unrhyw ddewisiadau eraill? — Do you have any other options?
  3. Dw i angen prynu… — I need to buy…
  4. A allwch chi fy helpu i chwilio am… — Can you help me look for…
  5. Oes gostyngiad arno? — Is there a discount on it?
  6. Mae’n rhy drud. — It’s too expensive.
  7. Ble mae’r cownter talu? — Where is the checkout counter?
  8. Mae’n ddrud iawn. — It’s very expensive.
  9. Mae gen i gerdyn credyd. — I have a credit card.
  10. Faint yw’r costau? — What are the costs?

Health and Emergencies

  1. Mae gen i feddygfa yma? — Is there a doctor’s office here?
  2. A oes rhywun yma sy’n siarad Saesneg? — Is there someone here who speaks English?
  3. Dw i’n teimlo’n sâl. — I feel ill.
  4. Mae gen i boen yn fy mro. — I have pain in my back.
  5. A allwch chi fy helpu? — Can you help me?
  6. Oes gwasanaeth brys yma? — Is there an emergency service here?
  7. Dw i angen mynd i’r ysbyty. — I need to go to the hospital.
  8. A yw’n bosib galw bws ambiwlans? — Is it possible to call an ambulance?
  9. Mae’r cyfnod hwn yn brysur. — This time is busy.
  10. Dw i wedi colli fy ngwregys. — I’ve lost my belt.


  1. Mae’n bwrw eira. — It’s snowing.
  2. Mae’r gwynt yn gryf heddiw. — The wind is strong today.
  3. Mae’n heulog. — It’s sunny.
  4. Mae’r tywydd yn braf heddiw. — The weather is nice today.
  5. Mae’n wyntog. — It’s windy.
  6. Mae’n chwith gyda’r glaw. — It’s miserable with the rain.
  7. Mae’r tywydd yn braf iawn. — The weather is very nice.
  8. Mae’n oer iawn. — It’s very cold.
  9. Mae’r haul yn disgleirio. — The sun is shining.
  10. Mae’n gymylog heddiw. — It’s cloudy today.


  1. Sut mae’r gwaith? — How’s the work?
  2. Mae’n amser mynd. — It’s time to go.
  3. Dw i’n caru’r cerddoriaeth hon. — I love this music.
  4. A ydych chi’n hoffi’r ffilm hon? — Do you like this film?
  5. Mae angen amser i feddwl. — I need time to think.
  6. Mae’n syniad da. — It’s a good idea.
  7. Ydych chi’n siŵr? — Are you sure?
  8. Mae’n bwysig iawn. — It’s very important.
  9. Dw i wedi gwneud fy ngwaith. — I’ve done my work.
  10. Gwnes i gymryd cam arall. — I made a mistake.

At the Restaurant

  1. Hoffwn archebu bwrdd ar gyfer dau, os gwelwch yn dda. — I’d like to book a table for two, please.
  2. Oes gennych chi’r menyn? — Do you have the menu?
  3. Mae’n ddrud iawn yma. — It’s very expensive here.
  4. A allwch chi gynnig rhywbeth gwahanol? — Can you offer something different?
  5. Byddwn i’n hoffi y dŵr. — I would like the water.
  6. Ydych chi’n cynnig bwyd llysieol? — Do you offer vegetarian food?

Feel free to ask if you need more phrases or specific topics covered!

Ordering at the Restaurant

  1. Hoffwn archebu’r ‘special’ heddiw, os gwelwch yn dda. — I’d like to order the special today, please.
  2. A allaf gael y cawl, os gwelwch yn dda? — Can I have the soup, please?
  3. Byddwn i’n hoffi’r steak wedi ei goginio’n dda, os gwelwch yn dda. — I would like the steak cooked well done, please.
  4. A allwch chi gynnig rhywun ddysgl ar gyfer llysieuwr? — Can you offer a dish for vegetarians?
  5. Rwy’n eisiau prynu’r prif gwrs gyda’r saws hufen. — I’d like to order the main course with the cream sauce.
  6. A allwch chi wneud hyn heb halen? — Can you make this without salt?
  7. Gallaf gael un mwy o goffi, os gwelwch yn dda? — Can I have one more coffee, please?
  8. Ydw i’n gallu gweld y rhestr o’r gwin? — May I see the wine list?
  9. Mae gen i alergedd i gynnyrch llaeth, felly os gwelwch yn dda, gadewch i hynny allan. — I have a dairy allergy, so please leave that out.
  10. A allwch chi wneud y cinio yn ddigon gwych? — Can you make the lunch quite spicy?

Additional Restaurant Phrases

  1. Hoffwn archebu’r salad i ddechrau, os gwelwch yn dda. — I’d like to order the salad to start, please.
  2. A allwch chi wneud hyn heb gaws? — Can you make this without cheese?
  3. A oes gennych chi unrhyw gynnig arbennig heddiw? — Do you have any special offers today?
  4. Mae gen i gerdyn credyd; a allaf dalu gyda hyn? — I have a credit card; can I pay with this?
  5. Rwy’n awyddus i gael gwin coch gyda’r prif gwrs. — I’d like to have red wine with the main course.
  6. A allwch chi drefnu ar gyfer y dathliad yma? — Can you arrange for the celebration here?
  7. Gallaf gael y bil nawr, os gwelwch yn dda? — Can I have the bill now, please?
  8. A allwch chi gynnwys y tip yn y bil? — Can you include the tip in the bill?
  9. Mae gen i bryder am y bwyd. — I have a concern about the food.
  10. Oes rhaid i mi dalu’n bersonol neu allwch chi gynnig gwasanaeth e-bost? — Do I have to pay in person, or can you offer email payment?

