100 Essential Phrases in Scottish Gaelic — Learn Scottish Gaelic

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5 min readAug 26, 2024

Over 100 essential and common phrases and sentences in Scottish Gaelic

Isle of Mull, Copyright: Visit Scotland

Greetings and Basic Phrases

  1. Madainn mhath! — Good morning!
  2. Feasgar math! — Good afternoon!
  3. Oidhche mhath! — Good night!
  4. Ciamar a tha thu? — How are you?
  5. Tha mi gu math, tapadh leibh. — I am well, thank you.
  6. Is mise… — I am…
  7. Cò ris a bheil thu freagairt? — Who are you?
  8. Halò! — Hello!
  9. Gabh mo leisgeul. — Excuse me.
  10. Mòran taing! — Thank you very much!

Personal Information

  1. Tha mo ainm… — My name is…
  2. Tha mi à… — I am from…
  3. Dè an t-ainm a th’ ort? — What is your name?
  4. Tha mi na oileanach. — I am a student.
  5. Tha mi ag obair mar… — I work as…
  6. A bheil thu ag obair? — Do you work?
  7. Tha mi a’ fuireach ann an… — I live in…
  8. Ciamar a tha thu? — How are you?
  9. Tha mi duilich, chan eil mi a’ tuigsinn. — I’m sorry, I don’t understand.
  10. A bheil thu ceart gu leòr? — Are you okay?

Everyday Activities

  1. Ciamar a tha an là? — How is the weather?
  2. Tha mi a’ dol gu… — I am going to…
  3. A bheil thu a’ dol a-steach? — Are you going inside?
  4. Tha mi a’ leughadh. — I am reading.
  5. Tha mi a’ sgrìobhadh. — I am writing.
  6. Dè an uair a th’ ann? — What time is it?
  7. Tha mi a’ fuireach ann an taigh. — I live in a house.
  8. Tha mi a’ falbh a-mach. — I am going out.
  9. Tha mi ag iarraidh… — I want…
  10. Tha mi a’ dèanamh deuchainn. — I am taking an exam.

Ordering Food and Drink

  1. Ciamar as urrainn dhomh an taigh-bìdh seo a lorg? — How can I find this restaurant?
  2. Bu toigh leam… — I would like…
  3. Càit a bheil an menu? — Where is the menu?
  4. A bheil roghainnean vegetarian? — Are there vegetarian options?
  5. Bheil am biadh seo deiseil? — Is this food ready?
  6. Bu toigh leam cearc. — I would like chicken.
  7. A bheil uisge anns an doras? — Is there water at the door?
  8. Càit a bheil an taigh-bìdh? — Where is the restaurant?
  9. Bu toigh leam an bil. — I would like the bill.
  10. Tha mi a’ dol a thoirt cùram. — I am going to take care.

Asking for Directions

  1. Ciamar a ruigeas mi… — How do I get to…?
  2. Càit a bheil an stad-bus? — Where is the bus stop?
  3. A bheil an stèisean trèana faisg? — Is the train station nearby?
  4. Dè an t-slighe a tha freagairteach? — What is the appropriate route?
  5. Càit a bheil an taigh? — Where is the house?
  6. Tha mi a’ lorg… — I am looking for…
  7. A bheil an doras an seo? — Is the door here?
  8. Càit a bheil an t-sràid? — Where is the street?
  9. A bheil rud sam bith faisg? — Is there anything nearby?
  10. Càit a bheil an t-àite? — Where is the place?

Emergency Phrases

  1. Tha mi ann an èiginn. — I am in an emergency.
  2. Cò às a bheil an dotair? — Where is the doctor from?
  3. Feumaidh mi cuideachadh. — I need help.
  4. A bheil àrachas aig an t-seirbheis? — Is there insurance at the service?
  5. Bu toigh leam a’ bhunait. — I would like the foundation.
  6. A bheil làimhseachadh ann? — Is there treatment?
  7. A bheil e freagairteach? — Is it appropriate?
  8. Feumaidh mi a bhith a’ faicinn… — I need to see…
  9. Càit a bheil an ospadal? — Where is the hospital?
  10. Feumaidh mi mo chuid a thoirt. — I need to give my part.


  1. Dè an cosgais? — What is the cost?
  2. A bheil rangachadh ann? — Is there a rating?
  3. Bu toigh leam… — I would like…
  4. Càit a bheil an t-seòmar? — Where is the room?
  5. Càit a bheil am beathach? — Where is the animal?
  6. A bheil e ri fhaighinn? — Is it available?
  7. A bheil barrachd againn? — Do we have more?
  8. Bu toigh leam gabhail. — I would like to accept.
  9. Tha mi a’ ceannaich… — I am buying…
  10. A bheil am pacaidh seo deiseil? — Is this package ready?

Travel and Transport

  1. A bheil an t-èibhinn ri fhaighinn? — Is the train available?
  2. Càit a bheil an t-stèisean? — Where is the station?
  3. Bu toigh leam tiomnaidh! — I would like to drive!
  4. Ciamar a ruigeas mi an airport? — How do I get to the airport?
  5. A bheil mi air mo shlighe? — Am I on my way?
  6. Càit a bheil an càr? — Where is the car?
  7. A bheil an bus tarsainn an rathad? — Is the bus across the road?
  8. Feumaidh mi an t-slighe cheart. — I need the right way.
  9. A bheil cead agam a dhol? — May I go?
  10. Bu toigh leam a bhith air an tràigh. — I would like to be at the beach.

In the Hotel

  1. A bheil àite-fuirich ann? — Is there a room available?
  2. Bu toigh leam a’ ghabhail. — I would like to book.
  3. A bheil e freagairteach? — Is it appropriate?
  4. Feumaidh mi a bhith air an àirde. — I need to be on the height.
  5. A bheil e ag obair? — Is it working?
  6. Bu toigh leam an t-àite a dhearbhadh. — I would like to confirm the place.
  7. A bheil e gu math? — Is it good?
  8. Feumaidh mi an t-àite a dhèanamh. — I need to make the place.
  9. Bu toigh leam mo ghabhail. — I would like to take my part.
  10. Tha mi a’ dèanamh a’ cho-dhùnadh. — I am making a decision.

Social Interactions

  1. Dè na freagairtean a tha ann? — What are the responses?
  2. Feumaidh mi tòiseachadh. — I need to start.
  3. A bheil thu a’ freagairt? — Are you answering?
  4. Dè na h-amannan? — What are the times?
  5. A bheil thu ag iarraidh còmhradh? — Do you want a chat?
  6. Feumaidh mi crìoch a chur air. — I need to finish.
  7. Dè na freagairtean? — What are the answers?
  8. Ciamar a bhios an aimsir? — How will the weather be?
  9. Feumaidh mi bruidhinn riut. — I need to talk to you.
  10. A bheil thu a’ tighinn? — Are you coming?

