Survival Phrases for Traveling in Germany: Your Passport to Seamless Communication

Published in
2 min readAug 21, 2023

Traveling to Germany is a journey of discovery, from its stunning landscapes to its rich cultural heritage. To make the most of your trip, mastering some key survival phrases is essential. These phrases will not only help you navigate the country more effectively but also connect with locals and immerse yourself in the local culture. In this article, we’ve compiled a list of essential expressions that every traveler should know when exploring Germany. So, pack your bags and get ready to embark on a language adventure!

1. Greetings and Basic Politeness

  • Hallo! — Hello!
  • Guten Morgen! — Good morning!
  • Guten Tag! — Good day!
  • Guten Abend! — Good evening!
  • Bitte! — Please / You’re welcome.
  • Danke! — Thank you.
  • Entschuldigung! — Excuse me / I’m sorry.
  • Sprechen Sie Englisch? — Do you speak English?

2. Asking for Directions

  • Wo ist…? — Where is…?
  • Wie komme ich zu…? — How do I get to…?
  • Nächster Halt? — Next stop?
  • Links / Rechts — Left / Right
  • Geradeaus — Straight ahead
  • Ist es weit von hier? — Is it far from here?

3. Ordering Food and Drinks

  • Die Speisekarte, bitte. — The menu, please.
  • Ich hätte gern… — I would like…
  • Was empfehlen Sie? — What do you recommend?
  • Ohne… bitte. — Without… please.
  • Die Rechnung, bitte. — The bill, please.
  • Noch ein Bier, bitte. — Another beer, please.

4. Shopping and Markets

  • Wie viel kostet das? — How much does that cost?
  • Haben Sie…? — Do you have…?
  • Ich suche… — I’m looking for…
  • Können Sie mir helfen? — Can you help me?
  • Bar oder mit Karte? — Cash or card?

5. Emergency Situations

  • Hilfe! — Help!
  • Ich habe mich verlaufen. — I’m lost.
  • Ich brauche einen Arzt. — I need a doctor.
  • Polizei! — Police!
  • Feuer! — Fire!

6. Common Phrases

  • Wie spät ist es? — What time is it?
  • Können Sie das bitte wiederholen? — Can you please repeat that?
  • Ich verstehe nicht. — I don’t understand.
  • Ich spreche kein Deutsch. — I don’t speak German.
  • Das ist fantastisch! — That’s fantastic!

7. Farewells

  • Auf Wiedersehen! — Goodbye!
  • Tschüss! — Bye!
  • Bis bald! — See you soon!
  • Einen schönen Tag noch! — Have a nice day!

Equipped with these essential survival phrases, you’re ready to navigate Germany with confidence. Remember that making an effort to communicate in the local language goes a long way in connecting with people and experiencing the culture more intimately. So go ahead, embrace the language, engage with locals, and make your travel experience not just memorable, but also linguistically enriching. Gute Reise (Bon voyage) on your German adventure!

