Day1 - Why you’re here?

TengYuan Chang
Duolc Perspectives
Published in
2 min readJan 13, 2017



今天是團隊參加 NYC Media Lab The Combine 加速器計畫的第一天,這個加速器計畫旨在協助團隊將有潛力的技術商業化,因此十分重視使用者訪談,並從訪談中找出可以持續產生營收與規模化的商業模式。第一天就獲得厚厚的 Alexander Osterwalder 的 Business Model Generation 和 Steve Blank 的 The Startup Owner’s Manual 兩本書,以及團隊一年內免費使用Launchpad Central 的權限。

“11週,至少 125 場用戶訪談”

Paul Graham 曾說,在 YC 的新創公司每天只能做三件事:Write code (開發產品), Talk to users (和用戶交談), 以及 exercise (運動)。The Combine 替我們訂下了一個更明確的數字:11 週內至少進行 125 場用戶訪談,並將訪談內容記錄整理,試著梳理出用戶用戶內心真正的聲音,避免犯下科技新創公司最容易犯下的錯誤:開發出一個沒有人想要的產品。



  • Individual customer may not know what they want, but there should be a pattern.
  • Your job is not to validate your product…it’s to validate the problem, and figure out the best way to solve the problem.
  • Get out of the building and talk to users
  • In-person is the best
  • Must gain insight into customer and market
  • Pattern recognition
  • Enough data points
  • Insight may not come from users’ answers, but from the interaction
  • Basic rules: (1) Do not sell! No demos! (2) Get stories, not speculation (3) Ask open-ended questions (4) Learn about their problems and how they solve them today (5) Ask why? Then why? Then why again!
  • At least one degree of separation
  • Become a LinkedIn power user
  • Make referrals happen
  • Get creative - recruiting hacks
  • Fish where the fish are…in the wild
  • Promise to be brief
  • Enterprise customers are people too!
  • Play the student/researcher card
  • Practice! practice! practice!
  • NO email interviews, focus groups or surveys
  • Don’t start with your dream customers
  • Being an entrepreneur means being aggressive & persistent
  • Flatter subjects
  • Be transparent
  • Follow up/stay in touch

It’s grueling listen to customer feedback. And if it isn’t, you’re probably doing it wrong” - John Maeda


  1. How to Build a Startup
  2. 給初學者的使用者訪談技巧
  3. UX 1: UX Design Process & User Research
  4. The Design Sprint
  5. Why the lean start-up changes everything

