Change the way you advertise

Sven H. Haverbus
the moving minds.
Published in
3 min readJan 10, 2018

AMSTERDAM - As a young graphic designer I sometimes wonder. The world is getting more digital. What will happen to our designs, and our ads?

As the world change, and people are getting more digital. We have to change the way of advertising. Less traditional tv since the coming of Netflix, Youtube channels and Videoland.

And even the digital ads on your websites are getting les interesting since the upcoming of ad-blockers. Even on smartphones you have ad blockers. The British telecom provider Three is talking with an Israeli company about a technic so they can block ads on every website. They will become the first European telecom provider who block ads on every website they will start in UK and Italy.

Outdoor advertising is a way people always see your ads. But are these ads interesting enough for the digital millennials? Now some advertisers are using NFC to make there ads "interactive" but really..? do you put your phone on an ad sign? And around 27,84% of the smartphones sold in 2016 world wide are iPhone's, So these interactive NFC ads does not work for them. Then we have Beacons you know the WIFI/bluetooth connection. Yeah it cost allot of battery. And people getting afraid of there privacy.

How can we get people more interested for advertising? Do your remember augmented reality? you can use augmented reality to get a perfect interaction. But do people really want to get that interaction?

The advertising of Chocomel advertising was a great interesting ad, and people didn't even need there phone, Chocomel is a Dutch chocolate drink that Dutch people drink in the winter combined with cream. so this Chocomel write ad with the warming hands was very interesting and gives a great costumer experience.

You have also heard about Pokemon go, have you? Don't tell me you don't know about Pokemon go..? It is the newest internet hype. This technic is a nice way for big companies to great advertising. For big stores or shopping mals. think about easter that you let kids search for easter egg's in the store. Or for shopping mals, That people can collect items and find discounts.

But when you're in an old city like you are in Amsterdam, Rome, Jerusalem, Paris etc. It would be a nice way to guide people trough your city. You let them discover the city. how more they see of the city how more they spend. Thats good for tourist sector but also the economy. But don't forget to first get your city on free wifi for the tourists..

Guerilla marketing is always a good way, people don't want just boring ads they want something that is awesome that they want to look ad longer. And Guerilla marketing get viral allot, so that boosts your social network traffic too.

Driving let signs are also an interesting way of advertising. It is just a led sign on a car. But it get allot of attention. so your add will be seen. And sometimes? they even get viral.. ;-)

But my favorite are the CityLeds. They are smal and clean, they drive in smal shopping streets. Really they are so cute. And also with a big add sign. And Yep they get allot of attention people like this advertising.

So we need to change the way we advertise, and make the advertising outdoor advertising is the most effective way to advertise. There is so much more to do with outdoor advertising.

