Conversation Prompts for Everything 1-on-1s

Jenelle Gonzales
Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2017

You’re sitting in the 1-on-1 hot seat. You’ve been asked to give feedback. If you want to show your boss you care, you’re engaged, you better come to that meeting with something prepared.

This is a natural way of getting brownie points from your boss by bringing business intel, actionable feedback, and building rapport. So the next time they’re looking for someone who can shoulder more responsibility and take the lead, you’re not overlooked.

Here are some starters, found on Quora:

How was the …… (Event, weekend, holiday you took?)

I’d like to tell you about……………

Here’s a status report on……………

I need more authority on……………

This is what I’ll do on……………

A new goal or project I’d like to tackle is……………

I’d like your help in acknowledging…………… for the success they had on ….

I’m concerned about…………… and need you as a sounding board so I can decide what to do.

What do you think of …………… I’d like to discuss it before I go further.

I’m stuck and need some encouragement to move ahead with…………….

I’d like your vote of confidence on my idea to……………

Why do I want to ……………. ?

I need more clarity on ……………

I need perspective. Am I making progress on…………… ?

I need feedback on my work on ……………

I’m confused about……………

I’m overwhelmed by……………

Who could help me with…………… ?

Why is…………… important?

What do you want me to do on………….. ?

What are my goals for ………………..?

What does a good ………….. look like?

What do I need to know about ……………?

How do I start ……………. ?

What are the next steps on …………..?

What resources are available to help me with …………… ?

Any of these prompts is a good start for some meaningful feedback as opposed to the generic, “things are going fine” response.

In 1-on-1s managers are looking to get and give guidance. Share your insights (even the things you think don’t matter) because you never know what is the secret key that unlocks some answers for your manager or makes them see a situation in a new way.

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