Dvision Network to conduct 2nd LAND Sale on Polygon via Dvision Marketplace and OpenSea! 🔥

Dvision Network
Published in
4 min readJan 21, 2022

It’s Finally Official!

We are thrilled to announce that Dvision is set to conduct the 2nd LAND Sale on Polygon Mainnet. LAND NFTs, essential units in our Meta-Cities, will be evenly provided for the sale on our native Dvision Marketplace and OpenSea through the Polygon Ecosystem. The ERC-721 compatible LAND NFTs will be minted on Polygon Mainnet and all the ecosystem-related activities are going to occur within their native chain-supported marketplaces. Also, we will also keep onboarding the Polygon Partners via our mutual LAND NFT Grant Program. The LAND Sale is planned to launch on 27th January at 20:00 PM KST. Stay tuned for further details.

What is LAND NFT?

Dvision World is the ultimate access to each Meta-City, which consists of various Meta-Spaces owned exclusively by the users. Users that own LAND will be able to customize their Meta-Space and provide content on it. The first LAND Sale was only supported via Binance Smart Chain (BEP-721) but this LAND Sale will be available in both ERC-721 and BEP-721 standards.

2nd LAND Sale Background

We have laid out the strategic roadmap released in late December 2021, which expands the LAND Sale processes into multiple rounds for multiple meta-cities. Dvision Network introduces 20 different Meta-Cities limited to 200,000 LAND Parcels, and each LAND Sale Round will be dedicated to 2 Meta-Cities (10 rounds planned in total).

The 2nd LAND Sale is being conducted for the distribution of the LAND NFTs belonging to the Tokyo and London Meta-Cities being the 3rd and 4th Meta-City in our metaverse. All the LAND NFTs offered in this sale are minted on Polygon Mainnet, becoming the second network for the LANDs, apart from the BSC. In the future, all the LAND NFTs will be interconnected through the native bridges to allow the free movement of the digital properties across different chains.

Multichain Land Sale Approach

The 1st LAND Sale has been conducted on the Binance Smart Chain, sealing the largest BSC-based LAND Sale occurring on three platforms simultaneously which are Binance NFT, NFTb, and Dvision Marketplace. The combined trading volume of our NFTS on all of these platforms was 10 million USD and is circulating at more than 4 times its original price.

The future of the industry is multichain, as Dvision Metaverse possesses a futuristic concept and vision, that brings the best features of the blockchain to the end-users by building the bridges and enabling the support for NFTs on different chains to allow different ecosystem participants to seamlessly access them. The LAND NFTs built on top of Polygon will further be connected to other Polygon secondary marketplaces for liquidity purposes.

2nd LAND Sale (Meta-Cities: Tokyo & London)

Dvision introduces the concept of the Meta-Cities in the metaverse. Currently, the users are allowed to access the Dvision World, which serves as a lobby to connect up to 20 different Meta-Cities through the Central Warp Tower. The 1st LAND Sale has been conducted for the distribution of the LANDs in New York and Seoul (the first two meta-cities to be launched), whereas the 2nd LAND Sale will transfer the ownership for 40% (learn more about the Meta-City composition) of the London & Tokyo Meta-Cities to the Polygon Users through the OpenSea and Dvision Marketplace.
We will offer around 4,600 LAND Lots through the 2nd LAND Sale on OpenSea and Dvision Marketplace, evenly distributing between two platforms for fairness purposes. The LANDs will be sold in MATIC token and will be fully conducted on Polygon Mainnet (the full-fledged details will be available 2 days before the LAND Sale).

We will inform you of the detailed LAND sale structure (price, available lots, size & location, and purchase guidelines) and how to participate in it through a separate announcement.

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