10 Rules Of Social Media Marketing

Ilias Giannaros
Published in
3 min readFeb 19, 2019

At a time when technological developments have captured everyone’s lives, Social Media Networks play their own key role in the everyday life of consumers and businesses. From the very first moment of their creation, until today, two decades later, they are a global phenomenon that is in the process of constant evolution and development. However, surveys have shown that actions in this area lack a specific strategy, with businesses increasingly looking for ways to make Social Media Marketing more effective.

So what are the appropriate practices that will transform Social Media Network into a valuable marketing tool?

Through a review of the already existing international bibliography and the analysis of the primary results obtained through research in companies, a suggested model, the “10 rules” of the proper use of Social Media Marketing, emerged.

  1. Create a page that is friendly and eye-catching.
    This is the principle of success. Then the consumers themselves will be the ones who will produce and transmit advertising messages, comment, score and propose products and services that they have been happy with.
  2. Determine the strategy you follow and apply faithfully.
    Although a growing number of companies follow new market trends and enter the Social Media, more than half of Social Media Marketing programs fail (Gartner, 2008). After undertaking a market survey and evaluating the data collected, companies should, in order to understand the environment, customers and competition, then be guided by the strategy’s focus and strategy, which should act as a guideline for each action.
  3. Have a methodical presence.
    It is necessary to produce new material at regular intervals, at least once a week for small businesses and daily if it is a big business. It is extremely important for Social Networking sites to be active in order to create a continuous debate with the public, to encourage participation and to promote long-term relationships.
  4. Make sure your content is interesting and appealing.
    Not just the correct frequency of publications but also the quality of them. In addition to actions, new products and company-specific information, businesses should ensure their content is up-to-date, appealing and relevant to the interests of the target audience.
  5. Keep a balance in the frequency of publication and relevance of the content.
    The best way to maintain a customer is to offer him/her balanced what he/she wants. Without a mechanical presence, the consumer will be silently lost to competition, while on the contrary, beyond the permissible presence, feelings of pressure and ultimately aversion will be created. Still, the content should be interesting and attractive, but always within the permissible context of the relevance of the object of the business.
  6. Build a personal relationship with the consumer.
    When the consumer feels he can express himself, his complaint, his problem and his opinion, he feels he is actively involved in shaping the company’s products and stays loyal, developing long-lasting relationships of trust.
  7. You always speak honestly. Never give promises that you can not book.
    Research has shown that consumers are receptive to failing to provide a request when it is documented on the business side and with an indication of interest. On the contrary, there are many examples of negative “noise” generation and ugly reactions when the promises given by companies were revealed untrue and misleading.
  8. Offer instant response and consistency.
    When there should be no indifference and delay in response. Surveys have shown that 68% of consumers who stopped interacting with an enterprise were doing it because they felt the business was not interested in them.
  9. Reply to all the comments, even to the negatives.
    The study by Bambuer, Sachse and Mangold (2012) has shown that people tend to create and read negative product ratings, which reduces the value of the brand. Businesses should follow the negative comments, rank them with some priority, assess the potential risks and take the necessary precautions.
  10. Stay up to date with developments and adjust to change.
    In such a competitive and growing environment, businesses can only be informed on a daily basis about environmental developments. Then their goals and strategy will have to be adapted and harmonised with the circumstances.

Social Media Networks is a new, powerful reality. With the proper implementation of Social Media Marketing, businesses have an opportunity to improve and develop their relationships with consumers. An opportunity that should not be lost.

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