Advantages Of Printed Advertising

Ilias Giannaros
Published in
2 min readJan 23, 2019

With the digital revolution at its peak, the advantages offered by the use of printed advertising remain strong. These are the six key advantages of print advertisement in B2B companies, which seek to “capture” the attention of the professional public.

Approach to affluent audiences, relevant

According to Magazine Media Factbook, the MPA, printed magazines excel compared to other channels when it comes to reach affluent readers. In addition, digital and print magazines maintain the leading positions on the motivation of direct interest between the most affluent common in the United States. The magazine readers are loyal to these issues and often subscribers than ordinary readers have their own businesses or have a strong influence in their workplaces.

Approach to people form judgments

The key people shaping decisions, select publications, such as Fortune and Bloomberg, to obtain advice and information to manage their businesses. When legal firms and financial institutions advertise in these publications, acquire direct contact with these decision makers.

Achieve added value and prestige

The print magazines such as Time and Forbes, are outstanding for more than a century. Long ago people acquainted with revolutionising the Internet, the information is distributed using print publications. By having someone his business to run in a reliable national magazine, immediately imparts confidence in himself and to the message he wants to send.

Take advantage of local targeting a national publication

Many can be targeted in digital marketing as the best way to approach markets that transcend local approaches to target particular people groups. While indeed the digital allows specific targeting, has a problem that does not have the form: their Adblockers! One of the key benefits of print advertising is the ability to target local to national printed titles.

The form is the antidote to multitasking

When people consume media online, they are usually open several browser tabs and are in the midst of other activities at work or at home. Accordingly, understand easily that if an advertiser wants to find a more engaged audience, which will focus on the message, then this is a printed magazine version. In magazines, you see, there are no tabs and windows to distract.

Long lifetime of messages

The average lifespan of a digital advertising, spans only a few seconds or as long as the user needs to scrolls the screen or click on another link. In print advertising, however, the message remains in the same position and allows the reader to see it as many times as he wants, again and again. Indeed, according to the Magazine Media Factbook reading a magazine can take up to 10 weeks after the day of sale.

Advertising is the greatest art form of the 20th century. Marshall McLuhan

