DVP Smart Contract Auditor for White Hats Goes Live

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2 min readJun 8, 2021

The recent spate of security breaches and fraudulent activities has been a wake-up call for the entire blockchain industry, and is bound to arouse concerns and worries of all practitioners and investors. In today’s Internet industry of high maturity, “security” is still one of the focuses, let alone the DeFi field which is in its incipience.

In order to detect vulnerabilities and solve all risks in advance and protect the interests of vendors and their users to the greatest extent, DVP launched an automated smart contract audit tool for white hats. By locating defects and vulnerabilities in the codes in the shortest time, this tool saves white hats’ time and energy for the accuracy and precision of vulnerabilities identification, thus improving the efficiency of white hats and DVP platform auditors.

As a source code audit tool, the multi-languages audit tool facilitates white hats’ judgement on the validity of vulnerabilities with Semantic Analysis. Meanwhile, thanks to Static Analysis, the use of the audit tool has little dependence on the environment.

Despite being designed for professionals, the vulnerability detection tool is quite easy to use. White hats only need to paste the target contract code to get the analysis report, which gives clear clues of defects in the contract, such as integer overflow, excessive permissions, vulnerabilities in specific compiler versions, and so on. As a result, the efficiency of white hat audits on smart contracts gets great improvement, helping relevant DeFi vendors gain time and opportunities to protect the security of their users’ assets in advance.

Over the past two years, DVP has continued to focus on blockchain security, committed to the construction of vulnerability platforms, as well as the cooperation between white hats and vendors. In the face of continuous security breaches, DVP has adhered to its mission to fasten a “seat belt” for the healthy development of blockchain technology and related industries as best as we can. More security products and tools will be launched soon. Stay tuned!

About DVP

DVP (Decentralized Vulnerability Platform) is an international community of information security professionals (White Hats). By using the blockchain technology and token-incentive schemes, it endeavors to establish an anonymous security crowd-testing community, follow the core concept of vulnerability as mining, and create a decentralized information security platform, so as to safeguard the digital information industry.

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