Ho-down on Lockdown. WFH, is this the future?

Angela DVT
DVT Software Engineering
6 min readApr 15, 2020
Image source: Indonesia Geek.

In 2016, I found myself on a remote island called Flores, just off the coast of Indonesia. We had travelled to a volcano named Kelimutu. This particular volcano has three volcanic crater lakes that vary in colour. Early one morning while still dark we hiked up the to the top of the mountainous area. The air was thick with the smell of sulphur and rotten eggs!

While standing on the trail and gazing at one of the tri-colour lakes I felt, for the first time in a long time, a feeling of complete peace and serenity, a sense of calmness. It was almost eerie. Maybe it was the fact that it was so quiet on this remote spot or perhaps this feeling was related to the spiritual connotation associated by the local people with their tri-colour lakes. Try to reflect on your own feelings for just a moment. Have you ever experienced this feeling I described above? An overwhelming sense of calmness, peace or complete tranquillity? If so, then I bet that the feeling was experienced within the surrounds of nature.

How is a lockdown related to the above?

Don’t you think it’s strange how the Earth is, in a sense, ‘fighting back’, restoring its natural setting? Perhaps the Earth is going into a state of survival.

The satellite images below represent Wuhan in terms of air pollution.

2019. Photo: Guardian Visuals / ESA satellite data.
2020. Photo: Guardian Visuals / ESA satellite data.

This image depicts the decrease in levels of Nitrogen dioxide. Nitrogen dioxide is emitted from cars, power plants and industrial systems and is said to aggravate respiratory diseases.

Lockdowns and benefits

The most interesting article that I have read on the benefits of the lockdowns on Earth can be found here. In short, this article indicates how the seismic noise or the hum of reverberations in the Earth’s crust has subsided. Meaning smaller earthquakes can be detected along with other less intense seismic occurrences. A noise reduction of this greatness is typically only experienced around Christmas time. Are these lockdowns a blessing in disguise?

Let’s reflect, live and stay positive. A guiding light.

The lockdowns have us reverting to our primitive selves. I find myself in the garden more often now. Planting fresh produce. Although this may not seem very primitive, consider the last time you have planted your own produce. If you do enjoy getting out into the garden then check out this app. (Available on IOS and Android devices.) The Garden Answers app uses machine learning to compare an image taken from a smart device with millions of other plant images instantly. If garden space is an issue start off small with a few herbs in a pot.


Gaia is a fantastic website you can use to stream hundreds of yoga and meditation videos. Use this time to de-stress and revive yourself.

Positivity is key.

Becoming negative, depressed or stressed may become the norm in a time like this. Being confined to a small space or possibly not having a garden or outdoor area can get you down. Not being able to get out and distract your mind may become tiresome and frustrating. Try to stay positive. Checkout ThinkUp on Android or IOS. This app provides readers with positive affirmations in the form of a quote.

Stargazing. Nighttime wonders.

I have always been fascinated by the stars, moon and planets. By using the SkyView® Lite free app available on both IOS and Android, you will be able to identify stars, planets and constellations. Gazing up at the sky may make you feel less confined. Looking into the distance may also help to improve your eyesight in a natural way.

Helping others can affect your happiness.

We have entered into dark territory. Many people may suffer due to the impact of the lockdowns. Why not reach out and offer to help? Join groups on social media platforms. Find out who needs assistance. Not only will you be helping someone who may need it, but you will also impact your own happiness. Facebook has launched a global version of a community help feature. Take a look at this article.

Useful reusable and biodegradable products.

If ever we had a chance to change our ways now is the time. Consider consuming less. Consider reusable products, products with longer lifespan or biodegradable products. The products below may be useful to you during the lockdown period or may become a part of your everyday life.

Image Source: Faithful to nature. Mineral salt, rock roll on. If you have really sensitive skin this is a great natural product which will last for months on end. The product is odourless. If this is a concern simply use it along with a spritz of your favourite body spray.
Image: Bamboo biodegradable tooth brush.
Image source: Simply Bamboo. Bamboo toothbrush. This product is 100% biodegradable.
Image: Wet & Dry shaver.
Image source: Phillips. For the guys a wet and dry shaver. This may seem like an expensive product initially, if you take into consideration how many disposal razors are possibly being consumed yearly. This product may just be a great alternative.
Image: Pink menstrual cup.
Image source: Pink Cup. For the ladies. A pink cup. Let’s not get into details about this product. Read about it here.
Image: Bamboo reusable baby nappy.
Image source: Bamboo baby. For the babies. Reusable bamboo 100% biodegradable nappies.

Tech products.

Even though these tech products are on the high price range, they may make your life easier and possibly even more fun during the lockdown period. Battery-powered products may not seem very eco- friendly. Products like these may take some strain off your domestic worker when he/she returns back to work after the lockdown, providing benefit in another form.

Image source: takealot.com. A robotic vacuum cleaner. Makes sweeping and mopping a thing of the past.
Image source: Amazon. Alfawise, Smartphone controlled window cleaner.
Image source: Price check. Worx, robotic lawnmower. Has a rain sensor and safety shut-off.

Work from home (WFH)

Let’s now look at the implications of the lockdown from another view. We are forced to stay home for the better part. Many of us have adopted the WFH way of life. I have been fortunate enough to have started my WFH journey before the lockdown was implemented. Working for a great company who accepted my proposal to work from home due to relocation. If you are fortunate enough to be working from home, try and make the most of it. Bear in mind how many people will be left without any source of income.

Will WFH become a new way of life?

WFH is an interesting concept that many of us will adapt to. At this stage, most of us are forced to work from home due to Covid-19. If you are enjoying the WFH lifestyle, now is the time to prove that you are responsible and reliable enough to be able to continue working remotely. You have magically been granted the opportunity to be able to prove yourself. I believe that after the lockdown has been lifted that we could be entering into a new era of remote working. Employers will see the true benefits of having their staff members work remotely. Our planet will also benefit as commuters and therefore pollution becomes less.

Enlightenment as a means to an end.

I came across the most beautiful quote the other day. May this be a motivation to us all, as we proceed into the unknown. May we all be driven to reflection and gratitude as the world comes to a standstill for the better.

We are billions of caterpillars forced into cocoons, being called on to change from the inside out, to evolve, to rest and reflect and sprout wings for the next season. https://www.facebook.com/jvrafrica/posts/2685941504968748:0



Angela DVT
DVT Software Engineering

I am a Web Developer at a company called DVT. I joined the company after requiring my degree in IT.