Pawsitive Care — The Pet Care App that makes your life easier

Nicole-Lee Scholtz
DVT Software Engineering
3 min readApr 4, 2023

“The average dog is a nicer average person than an average person.” Andy Rooney

As an animal lover, I have always known that pets are not just animals but also family members. They provide us with unconditional love, comfort, and companionship. But with pet ownership comes great responsibility, and it can be challenging to keep up with their needs, especially when they have medical conditions.

My experience with pets and medical conditions began when my three dogs were diagnosed with arthritis, epilepsy and cancer. As you can imagine, that was a lot of medication to give and keep track of. I was fresh out of high school and had started my first hospitality job; working both early and late hours made it even more complicated to give them medication or keep track of how they were doing. It was a challenge then, and I needed something to improve the situation.

That’s when I came up with the idea of creating a pet care app. I call it Pawsitive Care.

Tiana, Chloe & Luna

Pawsitive Care is an app designed to help owners manage their pets needs more efficiently. There are a lot of other pet care apps available. However, from what I saw, very few are aimed at helping one improve your pet’s needs. My app aims to make the user experience as straightforward as possible, ensuring that the user does not get lost in the app’s interface.

Some of the app’s features include:

  • A platform for storing medical history
  • A journal to log pet-related events
  • A means to communicate with your vet
  • It tracks your pet’s weight and health and it provides daily reminders for medication or appointments.

“Be secure knowing your pet is all taken care of.”

Pawsitive Care

When I started working on Pawsitive Care, I still needed to gain experience with app design. However, I was determined to create it. I spent several months learning about design, Swift, and Xcode, using components such as UICollectionViews, UITableViews, and Core Data. As I progressed, I realised that there were many aspects I still needed to learn, such as unit testing, which is an essential part of an application’s success.

As someone who has managed multiple pets with medical conditions, I knew the importance of having a tool that could assist in keeping track of their health. With Pawsitive Care, I aim to provide a solution to help pet owners take better care of their pets. The app is planned for release in 2024 after I have completed the DVT Graduate Programme.

I’m looking forward to releasing it to the world, but until then, I will continue improving the app and expanding my knowledge. If you have any suggestions to improve the app, message me on LinkedIn.

