The Blame Game: Why AI’s Flaws Are Human-Made

Sandile Zwane
DVT Software Engineering
4 min readFeb 22, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our daily lives, revolutionising various industries from healthcare to entertainment. However, as AI technology advances, so do the concerns surrounding its ethical implications. Recent incidents, such as the wrongful arrest of a black woman in Detroit and the perpetuation of stereotypes in AI-generated imagery, highlight the inherent biases and shortcomings of AI systems. But are these flaws truly the fault of AI, or are they a reflection of human biases embedded within the technology? This article will delve into the root causes of AI ills and explore how we can address them responsibly.

The Detroit Incident: A Case Study in Bias

Porsha Woodruff was wrongfully arrested for a carjacking she was not involved in. Photo cred: Carlos Osorio / AP

In 2020, a black woman in Detroit was wrongfully arrested after being misidentified by facial recognition technology. The incident shed light on the racial biases inherent in AI algorithms, which are often trained on skewed datasets that disproportionately represent certain demographics.

Joy Buolamwini, a prominent researcher in algorithmic bias, highlighted this issue in her groundbreaking study, “Gender Shades,” which revealed significant disparities in facial recognition accuracy across different demographic groups. Buolamwini’s research underscores the systemic biases ingrained within AI systems and the urgent need for algorithmic accountability.

Stereotypical Imagery: The Perpetuation of Bias

An AI-generated Barbie doll supposedly represents South Africa, which many would feel does not depict anything innately South African in any way.

Another troubling aspect of AI technology is its tendency to generate stereotypical imagery based on the data it is trained on. For example, AI-generated faces often exhibit racial or gender biases, reflecting the underlying biases present in the training data. This phenomenon was vividly demonstrated in a study by researchers at Princeton University, who found that AI-generated faces tend to conform to societal stereotypes, such as associating glasses with intelligence or facial hair with masculinity. Such biases not only reinforce harmful stereotypes but also have real-world implications, perpetuating discrimination and inequality.

The Rise of Deepfakes and AI-Made Music

‘Heart on the Sleeve’ is a song that was submitted for Grammy consideration despite the song controversially using AI vocals mimicking musicians Drake and The Weeknd.

Beyond imagery, AI technology has also been implicated in creating deepfakes and AI-generated music, raising concerns about misinformation and intellectual property rights. Deepfakes, which use AI algorithms to manipulate videos and audio recordings, can potentially deceive and manipulate audiences, eroding trust in visual and auditory media. Similarly, AI-generated music poses challenges to musicians and composers, as algorithms can replicate existing styles and compositions with unprecedented accuracy, blurring the lines between originality and imitation.

The Human Factor: Addressing AI’s Flaws

AI is notoriously bad at rendering hands, often to comedic degrees.

While AI technology undoubtedly holds immense promise, its shortcomings ultimately reflect human biases and oversights. To address these issues, we must adopt a multi-pronged approach that encompasses:

  1. Ethical AI Development: Developers must prioritise fairness, transparency, and accountability throughout the AI development lifecycle, from data collection to model deployment. This includes diversifying datasets, conducting bias audits, and incorporating ethical considerations into algorithmic decision-making processes.
  2. Algorithmic Literacy: Educating users about AI technology's limitations and potential biases is crucial in promoting algorithmic literacy and empowering individuals to evaluate AI-generated content critically. This includes raising awareness about the risks of deepfakes and the importance of verifying information sources.
  3. Community Engagement: Engaging diverse stakeholders, including marginalised communities, in discussions about AI ethics and governance is essential in ensuring that AI systems reflect the values and needs of society as a whole. This participatory approach can help identify blind spots and mitigate unintended consequences.

AI technology has the power to transform our world for the better, but only if we acknowledge and address its inherent flaws. By recognising that AI’s shortcomings are not the fault of the technology itself but rather the result of human biases and oversight, we can take meaningful steps towards building more inclusive, equitable, and trustworthy AI systems.

From diversifying datasets to promoting algorithmic literacy, each of us has a role to play in responsibly and ethically shaping the future of AI. Let us rise to the challenge and ensure that AI serves as a force for good in the world.

