DXdao Month in Review | April 2022

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4 min readMay 6, 2022


What a week! DXdao descended upon Amsterdam in April and participated in a wide array of conferences, meetups, hackathons, and parties. The energy in Amsterdam was palpable with many excited about the upcoming merge, questions about L2 and scalability as well as the rise of MEV, but running through all of those were questions about governance.

A fun ETHAmsterdam collage.

The week started at The DAOist Global Governance Gathering, where DXdao was a patron sponsor and hosted an in-conference nail salon. DXdao contributors Sky, Melanie, and Chris were speakers at the event. Sky did a workshop on Carrot, while Melanie sat on a panel about best practices for HR in Web3. You can check out Chris’s talk at the GGG on How DAO Sovereignty Evolved.

At the Schelling Point Conference, Sky presented on the Carrot Awareness Activation Campaign that DXdao launched in Amsterdam. The initiative leveraged Carrot, a platform for programmable incentives, to try and spread awareness and attract major followers to DXdao’s Twitter. DXdao contributors handed out flyers with a QR code to receive Carrot tokens that would pay off if a certain milestone was met — getting major Crypto Twitter Personalities to follow @DXdao. Sky has a great write-up in the forum reflecting on the learnings from the Carrot Awareness Activation Campaign.

There were lots of other highlights of the week from a DXdao-Yearn panel at the Livepeer event to DXdao contributor John presenting at DeFi Day about the importance of decentralization. Check out Wayne’s great recap post of all things Amsterdam.

Nimi the hackathon finalist

At the end of the week, there was a major hackathon that several DXdao contributors participated in. The judges received a whopping 165 submissions, but only 13 finalists were chosen. The word “winners” was not used, as the event organizers did not want to promote an environment of winners and losers, because the effort and commitment from all the teams were of such a high quality.

We are VERY proud to announce that the DXdao team was chosen as one of the 13 finalists for their magnificent submission of nimi.eth.limo!

DXdao contributors talk Nimi on the ETHGlobal stage

Nimi.eth allows users to host content on their ENS domains with a few simple steps on the dapp, by combining ENS, IPFS, and Lens. DXdao has consistently been a proponent of ENS domain hosting and has now opened the door for countless individuals to host content on their ENS domains.

Governance considers updated to DXD Buyback Program

Over the last few months, the DXdao community has been debating the future of the DXD buyback, which launched almost one year ago. In that time, over 13,300 DXD has been purchased. The discussion has focused on finding consensus on what to do with the 13,300 DXD. In the draft proposal currently in the forum, 3,600 DXD would be able to be used for liquidity provisioning on Swapr or other uses, while the rest of the DXD (9,600) should be burned. The draft proposal also suggests that should the buyback reserve be depleted, the DXdao general treasury could continue to buy DXD at up to 70% of DXD.

These adjustments are meant to give confidence on the future direction of DXD. As part of the proposal, there would also be a dedicated DXD Token Working Group to investigate how DXdao can solve these issues long-term.

Other fun initiatives:

  • ETHAmsterdam Recap — DXdao contributor @Whatt4 wrote up a fantastic summary surrounding the events, talks and initiatives around ETHAmsterdam and the Global Governance Gathering 2022.
  • DXdao Treasury Asset Staking — As of the time of writing, DXdao has diversified over 1000 ETH into several ETH 2 staking protocols including Lido, Stakewise and Rocketpool. There is currently discussions in the forum about expanding DXdao’s staking initiatives further.
  • Nimi Info Thread — The DXdao Twitter shared a quick thread on what Nimi is and how it works. Didn’t get enough context above? Look no further.
  • Discord Q1 REP Boosts — Participated in the DXdao Discord? You may be eligible for some REP! Head on over to the forum to check the snapshot. Not eligible? Simply interacting and chatting in the Discord will make you eligible for the next allocation!

Social highlights for April

April Popular Forum Discussions

About DXdao: DXdao is a decentralized collective that builds, owns, and governs DeFi and governance products. Reputation (REP) is voting power in DXdao, and DXD is the financial token with a claim on profit from DXdao products.

DXdao products include Omen (prediction markets), Carrot (programmable incentives), DXgov (governance framework), and Swapr (governance-enabled AMM). DXdao believes in governance and decentralization.

Connect with DXdao: Discord | Twitter | Telegram | Keybase | DAOtalk Forum



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The DXdao is a decentralized organization, owned and operated by the community. It develops, governs, and grows DeFi protocols and products.