DXdao Month in Review | January 2022

Published in
6 min readFeb 4, 2022

Welcome to 2022!

New year, new brand guidelines, but the same commitment to decentralization you’ve come to know and love. After skipping December’s month in review, DXdao has started off 2022 with a bang, starting with annual recaps and quarterly roadmaps for squads.

  • The Swapr squad’s recap is probably the most beautiful presentation, but it also features some great info about Swapr’s 2021 ($128m in total volume!, multichain expansion, SWPR airdrop, growing the team) as well as some exciting info on Swapr’s 2022, such as a SWPR tokenomics upgrade, DXdao-supplied liquidity and an upgraded front-end
  • DXvoice’s Recap and Outlook ran through a detailed account of DXdao social statistics throughout 2021, expenditures, and a design recap. The presentation dives a bit deeper into improvable facets and visions of expansion in the future. There is also some interesting alpha shared…
  • DXgov’s presentation focused on the continual development of Guilds, a new light-weight ERC20 token governance platform, and DXvote, a decentralized governance front-end, while building towards the larger upgrade of Governance 2.0, which combines reputation and token-based voting. The presentation also has some great stats on who is the most active DXgov developer.
  • The Governance recap of 2021 focused on the big initiatives, namely passing Governance 2.0, the expansion of Treasury and ContributorX, and the DXD buyback program and the almost 700 proposals passed in 2021. The focus of Q1 is on gathering community input and finding consensus on increasing DXD liquidity, DXD tokenomics/buyback update, Arbitrum One Base and Gnosis Chain REP sync.

Speaking of 2022…

DXdao is kicking off the year with a bang at ETHDenver on February 11th. ETHDenver is a community-led event and one of the most widely attended Ethereum conferences in the world. DXdao is sponsoring ETHDevner for the first time, with a proposal passing in December to spend $20k Dai on a sponsorship package. There will be bounties for hackers to compete for Swapr, Carrot and DXvote.

DXdao community members will also be attending DAODenver and speaking about Governance 2.0 implementation.

If you’re attending ETHDenver, make sure and stop by the DXdao booth in the sports castle to pick up some sweet swag. Rumor on the streets of Denver is that there may even be a DXdao happy hour. Check out DXdao’s #ETHDenver Discord channel for the latest.

DXventures grant

DXventures has had an active last few months as it approaches its one year anniversary. In January alone, it gave out two investment grants and is ever so close to making its third investment in 2022.

On January 12, REP holders passed a proposal to award a $100k grant to D2 Labs, aka “Double”. Double is a new protocol that helps new projects bootstrap liquidity. Double matches up projects with lots of tokens but no capital and investors that want to LP and earn a yield. Double fits into DXdao’s goal to build and invest in a suite of decentralized tools that projects can use. Double also plans to integrate Swapr into its protocol.

And then, last week, a proposal passed for a $40k investment grant to Atlantis World, which aims to build “the social Web3 metaverse”. Atlantis is building a lightweight, 2d pixel metaverse that will run on any device in the web browser, from anywhere in the world! As part of the grant, Atlantis will officially establish a DXdao presence in the metaverse, where virtual events can be hosted. Atlantis also plans to integrate Swapr, Carrot and DXvote in Atlantis World as well as to build more on Gnosis Chain.

If those two weren’t enough, DXdao is also currently contemplating another DXventures investment into Karma, an NFT reputation system for DAO contributors. If you are building a decentralized DAO tool, reach out to DXventures!

DXD buyback and liquidity across chains

The DXD Buyback Program was passed by REP holders in May of this year. Since then, 9,245 DXD have been purchased on mainnet and xDai for an average price of 0.166 ETH/DXD. This is just over 15% of the DXD circulating supply. The buyback program was just extended for the 5th time, raising the approved amount of DXD purchases to $6m.

Elsewhere, the community is also discussing ways to increase DXD liquidity. Here’s the latest from the last DXD Bi-weekly Volume Report:

At the moment, DXD liquidity is split across three chains. The community has begun discussing ways to increase and consolidate that liquidity to make it easier for larger purchases of DXD. Redirecting SWPR rewards, raising the DXD/ETH swap fee, launching a Carrot impermanent loss campaign and direct DXdao liquidity provisioning are all options.

Other fun initiatives:

  • 2022 The Year of The DAO w/DXdao DXdao contributors Keenan and Sky had the opportunity to chat all about DAO’s and decentralization on the DefiSlate podcast.
  • DXdao Holiday POAP Collection — DXdao held festive and unique branding throughout the holiday season. If you participated in DXdao products, governance, or held some DXdao ecosystem tokens, you would be eligible for these festive POAPs! Better claim them quickly, as they will be locked away in June of 2022.
  • DXdao Trivia Night on 1Hive TV — Contributors from DXdao attended Game 2 Season 2 of 1Hive TV’s trivia show. Contributors and community members battled it out for a spot on the leaderboard (and a share of the DXD!). The game attracted 137 players, with 10 community members emerging triumphant!
  • DXdao Weekly Community Calls — The DXdao Weekly Community Calls have had fantastic community participation in the past months, garnering around 25–60 participants each call. Don’t miss out! Fun alpha, unique POAPs, and more can be found in these calls. Tune in Thursdays at 1600 UTC; check the DXdao calendar here
  • DXdao: How will DAO empower the future business model and work style? — DXdao contributor Sky spoke with imToken all about the role DAOs play in Web3 and how they will shake the future of work and coordination.
  • Swapr is integrated by 1Inch on Gnosis Chain! — 1Inch deployed to Gnosis Chain recently, alongside their launch Swapr was welcomed as a launch integration! 1Inch has already integrated Swapr on both Arbitrum and Ethereum mainnet.

Social highlights for January

January Popular Forum Discussions

About DXdao: DXdao is a decentralized collective that builds and governs DeFi products. DXdao was spawned in May 2019 through a collaboration between Gnosis and DAOstack, but now operates independently. Reputation (REP) is voting power in DXdao, and DXD is the financial token with a claim on profit from DXdao products.

DXdao products include Omen (prediction markets), Carrot (Conditional KPI Tokens), and Swapr (governance-enabled AMM). DXdao believes in governance and decentralization.

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The DXdao is a decentralized organization, owned and operated by the community. It develops, governs, and grows DeFi protocols and products.