DxLock Update and Claim Update

Published in
4 min readMar 3, 2022

“DxSale is the largest decentralized IDO launchpad on BSC, while also supporting 8 other chains! We make it easy to mint and launch your IDO without requiring any coding knowledge, so you can focus on marketing & building your product. There are no barriers to creating an IDO, and there are many security features built in the DAO to save time and build assurance for project creators and investors.”

DxLock has been a significant part of the DxSale ecosystem for a long time. As DxSale always listens to what the users have to say, we realized some people struggle with their current state of them, so we decided to make it simpler and more valuable, all at the same time.

Lock Types

Regular Locker:

The token Locker works by depositing a certain number of tokens. This ensures that you won’t dump the number of tokens after launch.

· Tokens are deposited while creating the Lock

· You own the personal Locker Smart Contract

· Vesting Periods are easy to set up

· Transfer your Lock to another Owner at anytime

· Only the Lock owner has access to the funds

· Withdraw all Tokens in the Locker when locker time expires

LP Locker:

This Locker keeps the LP tokens you provide in a smart contract to initiate the liquidity pool for your project. Same as the Regular Locker, they help you gain your investors’ trust.

· Simple Locker Contract for Liquidity Pair Tokens

· Compatible with every DEX Liquidity Token

· Tokens are unlocked at the exact timestamp

· Only the Lock owner has access to the funds

· Transfer your Lock to another Owner anytime

Reward Locker:

These lockers are exclusive for tokens with reflection tokens like SafeMoon and guarantee the reflections you make are kept in the Locker. You can claim these rewards whenever you want!

· A second Token can be configured, which can be withdrawn from the contract anytime

· Useful for AutoReward Contracts

· The Rewards in the form of another Token are claimable anytime from the owner

· Tokens are deposited while creating the Lock

· You own the personal Locker Smart Contract

· Vesting Periods are easy to set up

· Transfer your Lock to another Owner at anytime

· Only the Lock owner has access to the funds

· Withdraw any Tokens in the Locker when locker time expires

No more need to pay upfront costs

Lockers now have the option to pay upfront or pay the day your Locker unlocks! Besides, you also have the opportunity to pay with BNB or pay in the currency your Locker contains.

Transfer ownership

There are plenty of reasons for transferring your ownership: someone else is taking care of the project, your wallet has been compromised, or any other reason. Well, this new feature allows you to transfer it to any other wallet you might want. This applies to all the locker types.

Send more tokens

With the new update, we decide to get rid of the limitations. Now you can lock as many tokens as you want… even after you have already locked them!

Users need to add more tokens to the Token Locker, and that’s it.

Increase lock time

Previously, to re-lock anything, you needed to withdraw whatever was in the Locker and deposit it in a new locker.

Well, now you can extend it whenever and as much as you would like!

Own your contract

No one else in the space gives this feature. Now, every user that creates a locker becomes the owner of the public contract they made. They have to their disposal an audited and secured contract to verify whenever they want.

No need to exclude from fees anymore!

Many people had trouble with the fee deactivation; they often forgot or didn’t know how to do it. This often led to the token Locker having fewer tokens than expected, and as a direct cause, the user couldn’t unlock unless they completed the missing tokens. Now it doesn’t matter; you can or can’t exclude the tokens from the fees and still unlock!

Note: it is still recommended that you exclude your Locker from fees to keep the same tokens you had initially.

Audited and secured

Security is important to us. Rest assured, the new Tokens have been tested, audited, and Secured by DX and Certik. This product is secure and ready to use!

No need for a slider

Some people have presented this problem, the slider can be annoying, and since we are constantly fixed on the details, we decide to give it another approach. Now you can enter how many tokens want to deposit and type it in!!!

Easy manageable Vesting Periods

Vesting has been live now; we still want to remind you that you can use these features. With our interface, you can easily set the periods and choose between different timeframes.

Note: doesn’t apply to LP Locker

Vested Claim

We know how much selling pleasure can stress the well-being of a project. To protect the health of new launches and give more flexibility to projects, we enabled a vested mechanism for investors to claim their tokens in split portions (by hours or days). This is an entirely free feature, and DxSale is one of the first sites to implement it!

Thank you for reading; let us know what you think of the new update in socials and as always, #DYOR

