DxSale Fee Model — Explained

Published in
3 min readDec 17, 2021

What is DxSale?
“DxSale is the largest decentralized IDO launchpad on BSC. We make it easy to mint and launch your IDO without requiring any coding knowledge, so you can focus on marketing & building your product. There are no barriers to creating an IDO, and there are many security features built in the DAO to save time and build assurance for project creators and investors.”

DxSale has proven itself as a working ecosystem, offering different services for over 12 Blockchains and adding new features every month. How does this ecosystem generate revenue without distributing tokens or making the users use them?

The answer is simple and is known as BuyBackAndBurn Model.

Over the last few months, different projects have adopted similar approaches, including one of the most famous, the BuyBackAndBurn from Binance’s Native Currency BNB.

How does it work?

All Transactions made on our Platform (DxSale.app) are sent to our Burn Contract which can also be found on our Website.

Users can select ANY token that is being stored in our Contract and sell it to a Decentralized Exchange. DxSale Token holders can execute the “BuyBack” which uses 50% of the funds to buy Tokens from our native currency “SALE” and sends them to the Burn address daily.

To prevent tokens from causing damage to a project, the amount of the token is limited to 5% of the holdings/day


We are here for the long term!

If you followed us until now, you probably got the link to the BurnAddress on your screen. Since our Token is based on Ethereum, there is an impressive amount of SALE stored on the contract.

Daily increase in SALE Tokens


Only 1000 Holders, what are you hiding?

This might be the most recurring question. According to the charts and our stored tokens on our burn contract, we can probably call ourselves “one of the most underrated projects” in the crypto space.

Thanks to our community, people started to research our revenue and generated tools and analytics for our whole ecosystem.

But for this model, we only require a simple BSCScan Analytics chart.


88 BNB Daily Average?! Let me get my calculator

Having a deeper analysis and making a more detailed chart, we can see an impressive amount of revenue being generated over time.

Revenue from the last 100 Days
32'120 BNB / Year

Let’s settle this number.

These numbers are proof of how much DxSale rewards SALE holders. In the crypto space, this is one if not the token with the most utility, emphasizing community and in the long term: collective gains.

Thanks for reading, always remember to DYOR and visit the rest of our socials. At the bottom of this article, you can find videos talking about DxSale tokenomics.

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Blockchain Developer for Python/Solidity/Typescript