DxSale v3.3 is here!

Published in
3 min readMar 1, 2022

Currently, DxSale is the largest truly decentralized IDO launchpad on BSC, while also supporting 11 other chains! We make it easy to mint and launch your IDO without requiring any coding knowledge, so you can focus on marketing & building your product. There are no barriers to creating an IDO, and there are many security features built in our DAO to save time and build assurance for project creators and investors. Check out https://dx.app to get started!

The current Dx trajectory is exciting. Even though several projects are being developed and will be ready to disrupt the space once again: Dx DeFi products are still a priority. We heard you, so we got some exciting new features for you!

Alternate asset listing

Chain assets are known to be unstable. The lack of stable assets is often a concern for new IDO owners, which should not be a concern anymore. Now you can use alternate assets for your liquidity, for example; USDC, USDT, BUSD, and more.

You can see the rest of the changes that come with the alternate asset listing feature:

· IDO owners can choose the type of asset to list their funds.

· Even if the funds are selected to list with a certain selected asset, they are still raised on the native currency chain. When you call #finalize, the smart contracts will swap the funds, fill with the liquidity pool and list the token with the selected pair.

· The alternative assets will be the most used in the space, this way the feature can’t be abused.

· Contracts were designed to be redeployed and expand the number of assets depending on the use, demand, and request of the platform users.

· Swap router selection is also available where the IDO owner can select a specific router where the asset will be swapped (ex: IDO will list on Apeswap, but the asset conversion before the listing can be done in pancake swap because Pancakeswap might have bigger pools, etc.)

Other features

You know we are truly focusing on improving the user experience by providing minor changes that will increase the enjoyment of all users.

Network Correction

A network correction modal appears if a user ends up following a URL to Dx.app that specifies the chain, but their wallet is connected to a different network.
The user can then select a correcting action of either switching to the correct app or changing their network.

We got some new looks for you guys to stay updated on and to keep us always on top of your suggestions. Take a look:

· Home Carousel: keep yourself updated with the most recent news and the latest AMAs! If you are KYCed you get access to this new perk for free.

· Feedback Button: we want to hear everything from you, so we created a small box for you to do so. This will help us improve and be closer to you!

Presale Duration increased

We noticed that presales with longer timers perform better in the current harsh market. Now IDO owners can increase the initial timer from one week to one month!

More KYC partners

Variety is something we specialize in, that's why CyberScope (previously known as CoinScope) and CertiK will be added as KYC partners. Do not forget to visit the KYC Perks article to learn more about the advantages getting KYCed has for you!

Locker Revamp

So much to cover about lockers, they have been completely renewed to fulfill your needs. It is such a massive change, we have a whole article explaining it, but this is the summary:

· Create your Locker Contract

· Emergency functions for avoiding issues with limits on transactions

· Receive reflections or rewards for your locker which you can withdraw

· Pay fees upfront or at the end with your locked tokens

· Transfer the ownership of the lock anytime

Thanks for reading, have a great day, and let us know what you think about socials! Always remember to #DYOR

