Just do it!

Nanda Pavaday
2 min readJun 21, 2019


Any person who interacts with our company for the first time, be it a staff member, a collaborator or a customer, gets to see our logomark and is bound to ask himself, why the Jaguar?
The reason for this is that every muscle in the Jaguar’s body is focused on fulfilling its life purpose.
This relates directly to a core belief we termed as The Doers Theory. It says that to survive you must be practical and turn ideas into actions that deliver results. At Ducorp, we call this beast mode.
The key to a happy and fulfilling life is to know your truth and to interact in an authentic manner to express this truth. Once you get this right, we believe in balancing your emotional intelligence with practical reality. A switch has to happen in your brain as you automatically shift from right brain thinking to left brain thinking and back. Getting practical involves listening to your gut, becoming aware of the details, following your instincts without overthinking or caring about other people’s opinion of you, using your ingenuity and focusing your energy to advance towards your goals.
One of the advantages of being in the beast mode is that you gather the benefit of first-hand experience from which you can learn and grow. Experience is the best teacher and one thing it teaches us to be street smart. We all want to be good, to do good and contribute to the world through our talent and skills but operating without street smartness only leaves us frustrated and dejected or egoistic and cruel. It boils down to balancing being good, kind and creative with practicality.
When we grow old, our greatest regrets are those things we thought and never did. Like in the Elvis Presley’s song, it’s no use spending a lifetime waiting for the right time. It’s now or never, just go out and do it.



Nanda Pavaday

My thoughts are the tributaries of a river that runs to my heart. When you know my heart, you know me. And when you know me, you own me, at least a little.