Legal work in setting up a business

Kush Poonith
Early Days-Ducorp XTM
2 min readMay 9, 2019

Geronimo!!!!! This was the name given for our set up stage. Set up included websites, contracts of employment, confidentiality agreements as well as all the various terms and conditions for our different ventures.

Preparing all the legal documents was time consuming and also very interesting. The initial piece of work undertaken was for the websites for our company and ventures. The websites are the first piece that our community will see and it was important to get the terms of use, the privacy policy and the cookie policy drafted and uploaded as a priority.

Furthermore, each venture needed its specific set of documents which were unique to each and there was no possibility of copy and pasting a document that I had worked on before. For example a membership terms and conditions for Shoppers Club differed from a services provider agreement for FindRate.

Drafting the Satoshi’s Lounge terms and conditions was the hardest one for me. I had to figure out how to bring together a list of requirements for an invite only club and include conditions of membership in a user friendly way. Again this document was drafted from scratch, well I mean with a little help from my friend the web…:-))

Throughout the Geronimo stage, describing our identity went through a series of metamorphosis. This was because although we knew what we are about, it was hard to put it in words. We want to be transparent in everything we do and we agreed that TRUTH FIRST is our moto.

I am not an organised person and going through this Geronimo stage has helped me put some sort of structure in how I progressed. At some point I had to juggle a few things at the same time, for example following up on a new office space lease while communicating with the Mauritius Revenue Authority for the registration companies for value added tax purposes.

It’s important to keep track of everything you are doing at Geronimo stage because a slight oversight can delay the proceedings and also you might expose your company to regulatory sanctions for failing to register with the relevant authorities.

