Raspberry Pi Experiments: Running Python3 , Jupyter Notebooks and Dask Cluster — Part 2

DYI Electronics & Tech Reviews
4 min readMay 4, 2017

Note: This is an experiment that I did earlier this year and re-publishing here as I am consolidating all my DYI blogs to one place.

Its been a while since I posted my last post but had planned for this a while back and completely missed it. In this part of the blog I will be covering more about Dask distributed scheduler, application of dask and where is shines over excel or python pandas and also issues that you may encounter while using disk.

If you have not read my previous post I suggest you to refer it as that will give you a fair bit of idea about the setup and the background for this post.

For the post I will take the land registry file from http://data.gov.uk has details of land sales in the UK, going back several decades, and is 3.5GB as of August 2016 (this applies only to the “complete” file, “pp-complete.csv”).

No registration required.

— Download file “pp-complete.csv”, which has all records.

— If schema changes/field added, consult: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/about-the-price-paid-data

The file was placed in the below path: /mnt/nwdrive/Backup/datasets/pp-complete.txt The Dask Schduler & Worker were started

jns@minibian:~$ nohup /usr/local/bin/dask-scheduler3 >> /tmp/dask.log


I started the Dask scheduler on 2 Raspberry Pi nodes with the below command

jns@minibian:~$ nohup /usr/local/bin/dask-worker3 >> /tmp/dask.log


1st Node — Schduler & Worker both are working

distributed.nanny — INFO — Start Nanny at:

distributed.worker — INFO — Start worker at:

distributed.worker — INFO — nanny at:

distributed.worker — INFO — http at:

distributed.worker — INFO — Waiting to connect to:

distributed.worker — INFO — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -

distributed.worker — INFO — Threads: 4

distributed.worker — INFO — Memory: 0.61 GB

distributed.worker — INFO — Local Directory: /tmp/nanny-h60j2lh3

distributed.worker — INFO — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -

distributed.scheduler — INFO — Register

distributed.worker — INFO — Registered to:

distributed.worker — INFO — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -

distributed.scheduler — INFO — Starting worker compute stream,

distributed.nanny — INFO — Nanny starts worker process

2nd Node: — One Worker is running pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cat /tmp/dask.log distributed.nanny — INFO — Start Nanny at: distributed.worker — INFO — Start worker at: distributed.worker — INFO — nanny at: distributed.worker — INFO — http at: distributed.worker — INFO — Waiting to connect to: distributed.worker — INFO — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — distributed.worker — INFO — Threads: 4 distributed.worker — INFO — Memory: 0.58 GB distributed.worker — INFO — Local Directory: /tmp/nanny-d3ye93s4 distributed.worker — INFO — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — distributed.worker — INFO — Registered to: distributed.worker — INFO — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — distributed.nanny — INFO — Nanny starts worker process

Now the code that I tested via jupiter notebook:

The first one that I tested was to initialise the Pandas and Dask objects

Then I used the below code to load the 3.5 GB data file

The reason I tried this instead of dark.read_csv was because for it to access on all nodes it would have required the access to the cvs file on all nodes but I had access to that file on only one node and when ever I tried dask.read_csv it kept on failing with the error file not found. Hence as a solution I loaded the cvs file as chunks in pandas and appended to the task dataframe.

With dask-worker3 running on 2 Nodes I got the following timing to load the 3.5 GB file.


With dask-worker3 running on 3 Nodes I got the following timing to load the 3.5 GB file.


And also when I did a compute on the Dask data frame using the below command the output was good:

%timeit df.groupby(df.county).price.mean().compute()

1 loop, best of 3: 227 ms per loop

Now while comparing to pure Pandas implementation the file even did not load and became non-responsive

Pandas non-responsiveness while processing 3.5GB file

Hence in conclusion I can say that if you are looking at running your data analytics on Raspberry Pi using python then Dask is a great contender for large datasets and gives very good response. Hope this was a helpful. In future I will be posting more blogs about how we can leverage Raspberry PI and data analytics.

Originally published at priyabgeek.blogspot.com.



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