The Ukrainian Offensive Will Be Easy

Dylan Combellick
5 min readJun 3, 2023

There has been a lot of talk about how hard the offensive will be whenever it starts. As usual, there is a lot of evasive wishy-washy "analysis" from commentators who have little business commenting on the subject. I'm going to stick my neck once again out and my reputation and make an actual prediction — not an "it could go one of three ways," but a "this is how it's going to go." Caveat — I said that it would be "easy," meaning that it will involve heavy to very heavy losses for Russia and light to some losses for Ukraine. I don't mean it will be a walk in the park, and I certainly don't mean it will be simple. It will involve long days, longer nights, lots of hard work, and incredible levels of command, control, and coordination. It will be wildly successful.

Public Statements

Retired General David Petraeus has voiced his support in an interview with the Kyiv Independent that "Ukraine will achieve combined arms effects." This might not sound on the surface like much of a statement to the non-military strategist types, but it's a massive vote of confidence. The difference between the World War I tactics currently in use on the Russian side and the modern tactics that the US used in Desert Storm. Desert Storm took months to set up with "force…



Dylan Combellick

Retired analyst, Russian linguist, and New START inspector, father of 3, living in Uzhgorod, Ukraine