Punished Yellow Vol. 1– Halfway Coffee 半路咖啡

Karen Lee
Saudade Hong Kong
Published in
2 min readOct 30, 2019

What is 半路 Halfway ?


Where East meets West

Where Portafilter is twisted to make a coffee

Where you can stop by and get some rest

中西合璧-當咖啡遇上中式瓷杯 | Vintage Chinese porcelain cup meets Coffee


Nostalgic decoration and intricate porcelain cups attract many foreign travelers to go on a pilgrimage.

The owner purchases porcelain cups from Upper Lascar Row(Cat Street)and Sham Shui Po in Hong Kong. In addition to the tasty coffee, it also allows guests to get to know the traditional Chinese craftsmanship, and appreciate the texture of each unique porcelain cups.


Their cashier method is a traditional one as well, they pay homage to the traditional local market — use plastic bucket as cashier. They will pull the string to get the plastic bucket down for money collection, afterwards releases the string, and it will return back to the top.

店內會擺放關於舊香港的書籍和社區地圖,但店內同店外座位不算多,即使是平日也有機會滿座,早少少黎「半路」停底 Chill 下。如果已經滿座,它們的外賣咖啡杯也不會令你失望。

Books about the old Hong Kong and community maps can be found inside the store. Yet there are not many seats inside or outside the store, sometimes it will be full-house even on weekdays. Thus, wake up earlier and stop at the ‘halfway’ to enjoy a sip of coffee.

P.S. If it is full already, its vintage take-away cup will not disappoint you as well.

印有「萬壽無疆」的懷舊中式外賣杯子 Vintage Take-away Cup

營業時間 Opening Hours: 8am-7pm

地址 Address :

上環摩羅上街26號地鋪 26 Upper Lascar Row, Sheung Wan

上環東街12號地舖 12 Tung St, Sheung Wan

