Warrior 武士, 1881

Yokohama, Japan, 横浜 日本

Dynamichrome Viewfinder
3 min readNov 26, 2015


This portrait of a soldier was taken during the Meiji Restoration, a period of technological and political upheaval in which Japan as a nation transformed from centuries of feudal rule to a consolidated political system under the Emperor of Japan. By the 1880’s, Japan had reversed its isolationist foreign policy and began to let European traders to conduct business.


The port of Yokohama became the base of foreign trade in Japan, and a centre of newly imported Western technology such as gas powered street lamps, newspaper and of course, photography. A number of photographic studios operated out of Yokohama, with the Japan Photographic Association (also known as Stillfried & Andersen) producing a prolific output of hand coloured portraits and landscapes.


Original Photograph: Franz von Stillfried-Ratenicz
Digital Color Reconstruction: Dynamichrome

Many photographs of daily life and portraits of a cross section of society were shot by known photographers of the time such as Felice Beato, and a number of Japanese photographers such as Kusakabe Kimbei (日下部 金兵衛) who developed their own techniques for hand colouring albumen silver prints known as shashin abura-e (写真油絵), were incredibly popular with tourists of the time.


I’m a huge fan of the shashin abura-e prints (‘photographic oil paintings’) where the paper support of the photograph was cut away and oil paints were applied to whatever emulsion was left over. The results are fantastic and in my opinion, far more realistic than many of the photo-mechanical colourised prints that became popular in the USA at the turn of the century.


I’ve had a go at seeing what a modern attempt at colourising an original portrait would look like in similar photographic conditions, whilst retaining a painter-like quality that the early camera technologies afforded, along with the vibrant colours of the armour and clothing of the original hand coloured print, which would be close to the original dress colours and adjusted to fit the black and white information. If these are popular, I’d love to do a set, as Japanese clothing of the era could be very intricate.


Original Photograph | Franz von Stillfried-Ratenicz フランツ・フォン・シュティルフリード
Format | Albumen Silver Print
Source | Courtesy of the Capitol Collections キャピタルコレクションのご厚意により掲載させて頂いてます。
Color Reconstruction | Jordan Lloyd
Words | Jordan Lloyd, Kanae Takami Beasley

Original Caption
“A portrait of a Japanese soldier from the waist up. He is standing facing his left whilst wearing ornate armour consisting of a chest plate and chainmail undershirt. His hair is swept back and is dressed in a topknot.”




Dynamichrome Viewfinder

VIEWFINDER | Stories behind the greatest black & white images from history, digitally reconstructed in color.