Can breast cancer be detected before it actually happens?

Ignacio Ferreira
Dynamind Labs
Published in
2 min readJun 17, 2022

How much time in advance can it be detected?

Is there anything that affects the quality of the prediction, like age, gender or race?

Despite the remarkable progress that has been made in recent years, many breast cancer patients continue to receive the diagnosis in advanced stages of the disease.

Predicting breast cancer five years before it appears is now possible thanks to #artificialintelligence

▶️ Researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital and CSAIL (MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory): the creation of a #deeplearning model capable of predicting from a mammogram whether the patient is likely to develop breast cancer in the future, specifically 5 years from now.

Researchers have trained an #AI ​​to recognize the subtle patterns in breast tissue that are precursors to malignancy.

The model is equally accurate for white and black women. This is especially important given that black women have been shown to be 42 percent more likely to die from breast cancer due to a wide range of factors that may include differences in detection and access to health care.

Undoubtedly, Artificial Intelligence is a powerful tool that, when used well, opens up a lot of potential in the investigation, detection and treatment of pathologies such as cancer.

#artificialintelligence #healthcare #innovation #breastcancer #cancerprediction #health #AI #medicine



Ignacio Ferreira
Dynamind Labs

Software engineer, Computer vision Engineer, Founder of Dynamind Labs.