10 Tips for Simplifying Life Via Clutter Clearing

Dynamix LLC
Dynamix Blog
Published in
3 min readApr 19, 2024
With all the moving parts of instructional leadership, a clutter-free and organized workspace can do wonders for productivity.

By Lani Aquino

Clutter can have an impact on success and productivity. Instructional leaders’ workspaces can quickly become inundated with papers, books, and other materials that make it challenging to focus and be productive. However, taking the time to purge and clean out clutter can create a more organized and efficient workspace that supports one’s leadership goals. Here are 10 tips for making that happen.

1. Start with a Clear Vision: Before diving into decluttering, take a moment to envision how the workspace in question should look and function. Having a clear vision will guide the decluttering process and help you maintain a focus on the goal of a clutter-free and organized space.

2. Set Priorities: Identify the areas of the space that need the most attention. Focus on decluttering these areas first to make the most significant impact on productivity and organization.

3. Declutter Regularly: Make decluttering a part of your routine. Set time aside weekly or monthly to review and purge items that are no longer necessary or useful. Establishing this habit will prevent clutter from building up again in the future.

4. Create Functional Zones: Organize workspaces into functional zones based on the most often performed tasks. For example, have a designated area for planning and paperwork, another area for reference materials, and a separate area for collaborative work.

5. Digitize When Possible: Embrace digital tools and technologies to reduce physical clutter. Scan important documents, store files digitally, and use online collaboration platforms to minimize the need for paper and physical storage space.

6. Implement a One-In, One-Out Rule: Commit to removing one item for every new item brought into the workspace. This rule prevents clutter from accumulating and encourages mindful consumption and organization.

7. Utilize Storage Solutions: Invest in storage solutions that maximize space and keep items organized. Use shelves, cabinets, bins, and organizers to create a clutter-free environment where everything has its space.

8. Streamline Tools & Resources: Evaluate the tools, resources, and materials that are used regularly. Keep only those that are essential and align with current needs and objectives. Let go of outdated or redundant items to free up space and foster mental clarity.

9. Maintain a Clear Desk Policy: Adopt a clear desk policy to keep your primary workspace free from unnecessary items. Prioritize keeping only the items you need for daily tasks within arm’s reach while storing the rest in designated areas/containers.

10. Celebrate Progress: Acknowledge and celebrate decluttering milestones and achievements. Whether clearing out a challenging area or maintaining a clutter-free space for a set period of time, recognize the progress made and use it as motivation to continue organizing and simplifying workspaces.

Decluttering is an ongoing process that offers hugely beneficial rewards. With consistency and commitment, an amazing habit can be formed. Using any or all of these 10 tips for effectively decluttering workspaces will allow leaders to take control of their environments and breathe a simplified sigh of relief!

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