A Decade with Dynamix: 3 Ways to Foster a Love Your Work Culture

Dynamix LLC
Dynamix Blog
Published in
3 min readFeb 26, 2024
When team members love their work, success is inevitable!

By Lani Aquino

When a person is unhappy or frustrated at work, it seeps into all they do. From the way they perform their professional tasks to the ways in which they connect and interact in their personal lives, these frustrations take a toll. If the work side of the work-life balance equation is weighted down with negative energy, all facets of life are affected.

Instructional leaders can help recalibrate the scales and foster a culture that lends itself to positive energy and personal fulfillment via professional endeavors. There’s not a magical phrase or a quick read that’s going to create an instantaneous love of work for everyone on the team. As with anything worth achieving, it takes time and continual effort to build and sustain a love your work culture. Here are three ways to start building that foundation:

1. Trust- A team is going to feel supported and appreciated when trust is a cornerstone in the workplace. At Dynamix LLC, Jenny Hensley and Tom Fry build this trust by listening because, as Jenny shared, “We’re just at a point where people are desperate to be heard and just being that person that can be there and listen and provide support to those that you work with (matters).” This listening is what makes all the difference. That listening ear becomes a trustworthy one and sets an example that others can follow.

2. Time- Time is such a valuable commodity, and when leaders take the time to really listen and work alongside their teams, it has a huge impact. Tom and Jenny are no strangers to the powerful takeaways that come from giving the gift of time. Whether it’s giving time in meetings for voices to be heard, scheduling time to work together and strategize with team members, and/or simply being available, that gift of time is truly priceless. Tom knows that when leaders are “…not just trying to fastrack, but take the time and set everything else aside…” team members take notice and feel supported.

3. Focus- For any professional setting to find success, team members need to have focus; this focus allows them to find purpose in what they do. Without focus, thoughts, actions, and emotions can run the gamut. With focus, there is a central grounding that creates an environment where, even on the hard days, you can still find joy in what you do and be willing to return. As Tom shared, “I really think it’s important to love your work because there are going to be days when things just go wrong. Maybe many things go wrong. And if you love your work, at least at the end of that day, you’re still going to want to go back to that the next day.” When team members love their work and continue to show up, ready to tackle the good and the bad, that’s when leaders know a love your work culture has been created.

There may not be an exact recipe for helping a team love their work, but there are some essential ingredients. With a decade of success in the books, the Dynamix team has been able to pinpoint three ingredients that have contributed to their success. They are also able to recognize these same components in schools and districts where a love your work culture is fostered, and they are able to offer support to those who may need help in building said culture.

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Dynamix LLC is here to help busy professionals find restorative balance and success! #reclaimyourlife#leadershipdevelopment

