Not just another remote company

Our new work model is designed with flexibility in mind to make Dynatrace the best place of work.

Giulia Di Pietro
Dynatrace Engineering
4 min readApr 13, 2022


Dynatracers enjoying a coffee in the Graz Lab

*** Disclaimer: The work model explored in this article is one version of our constantly evolving approach to work and we’ve further adapted it. For our updated work model, please visit our careers page. ***

Dynatrace has always been forward-thinking when it comes to hybrid work and distributed teams. Long before the pandemic, we had already been collaborating across the globe and travelled frequently to work from different places. Once Covid-19 hit, we were already well-equipped for the transition to a work-from-home setup. And after some time, it became clear that the flexibility of hybrid work was going to stay.

When we announced our work model at the end of 2021, we were actually just formalizing and adding some guidelines to something that we had been doing all along: having the flexibility of choosing where to work based on our personal and team needs.

Within six months from this announcement, our approach and philosophy have evolved even further. We saw the need to re-think our original plan and evolve, leading us to develop new solutions to foster physical and remote interactions.

We are now happy to share that we are adding even more flexibility. Introducing: our Dynatrace Work Model.

A Dynatracer working from home

A flexible company

One of the goals we wanted to achieve with the work model is ensuring that we could give our employees the flexibility they need, together with staying true to the core values of our company.

Dynatrace should not become yet another remote company: we are a flexible company.

Collaborating in real life and “bumping into each other” at the office is part of the Dynatrace DNA. But being flexible also supports individual needs and brings great value to our employees and to the company. Our model combines both physical and remote interactions.

We redesigned our offices with a collaboration-first mindset. Our offices are already built around open spaces to exchange ideas, innovate and increase interaction between Dynatracers with a collaboration-first mindset. With the new model, we want to do more to elevate our collaboration even further and have the Dynatrace offices to convey our culture.

Rick McConnell, Dynatrace CEO

Dynatrace Work Model is about maintaining flexibility and choice while enabling frequent opportunities for in-person engagement and community building. Many of us crave in-person interaction to learn, grow, and connect at a deeper level than is possible when we are apart. At Dynatrace, this allows us to build a community and culture focused on people first.

Rick McConnell — Dynatrace CEO

How does this flexibility look like? What is the new Dynatrace Work Model?

Here’s an overview of the ways of working we offer:

What does this mean in practice?

Flex Office offers the possibility of working in the office 3 to 5 days a week with full office benefits and a dedicated desk, whilst the rest of the time is spent working from home.

If you're the kind of person who wants to enjoy the office vibe, make use of the different collaboration spaces and in-office benefits, and work at a dedicated desk, then this might be the option for you.

Flex Remote offers the possibility of working, e.g., 1 to 2 days per week or 1 consecutive week in the office per month. This option includes full office benefits when in the office, but you have a shared desk that needs to be booked beforehand.

If you are the kind of person who has a long commute to the office, has a very distributed team that works mostly on Zoom, or just simply feels more productive at home, this might be the option for you.

Fully Remote offers the possibility of working from home for the majority of the time. This option is designed for Dynatracers in specific roles as well as for those living far away from a Dynatrace office, and requires an eligibility check. With Fully Remote, you work from home most of the time, and only occasionally travel to the office to meet the team in person.

If you live in a country that doesn’t have a Dynatrace office and you cannot relocate, or you are more productive working from home and being remote doesn’t impact your team, this might be the option for you.

Testimonials from Dynatracers on different ways of working
Veronika Leibetseder, Head of R&D Lab Operations

“We create the best added value for different personal needs and different roles in the company. That’s why we offer our employees the greatest possible flexibility in choosing between office and home office. Our offices act as the hub where people can connect. They are the places where teams meet in person and where creativity and innovation happen.”

Veronika Leibetseder — Head of R&D Lab Operations

Want to learn more about our Dynatrace Work Model?
Get in touch with us on our careers site.



Giulia Di Pietro
Dynatrace Engineering

Content & Community Manager @ Dynatrace | Britalian by birth, Austrian by choice