Why Access to Audiobooks is Important for Students with Dyslexia

Fabiana Meredith
Published in
1 min readSep 2, 2018

Below is an excerpt from Diana Kennedy’s article in Mindspark Custom Learning Solutions on why access to audiobooks is important for students with dyslexia.

“…one of the hallmarks of dyslexia is a discrepancy between reading level and oral language level. Often, in fact, these kiddos are really verbal and have been forever. I can’t tell you how many parents tell me, “He has a great vocabulary and has always impressed people when they talk with him. That’s why we were so shocked when he started having trouble reading.”

This discrepancy means that children with dyslexia can comprehend books that they hear at a much higher level than they can read. So, to keep developing their oral language, including their vocabulary and their understanding of literary syntax, they need to be exposed to books at their oral comprehension level, rather than being limited to books they can read independently.”

Click here to read Diana Kennedy’s full article…

Fabiana Meredith is the co-founder of QiCommunity.com, a holding company founded to inspire people to live full, complete lives.

