
When an entrepreneur becomes a company



When the Brazilian construction market started to go through changes, the structures of the small and micro-entrepreneurs were the first to weaken.

How to get on with it? Through a service that transforms the story of people who have chosen to start a business, creating models that are more profitable and innovative, and by generating more impact on the ecosystem in which they are acting.

This is Marcio’s story.

One’s inner self doesn’t often connect with his job or occupation. When Márcio came to us, as a steel structure specialist, subcontracted by real estate actors, all he wanted was to have a company. A business to call his own, with his DNA and purpose.

It is common for entrepreneurs not to explore their own “magic powers”, their special skills. When we saw Marcio and all his potential, we quickly fell in love with a person that could easily channel humanization into a hostile environment such as a construction site. For the kindness and depth of his story, we went far beyond a briefing: we connected spirituality, sensibility and artistic mastery to the process:

“The structure connects with the environment and the people around it.”

Our research on the engineering universe explored how important the feeling of belonging to physical spaces was. To build is to create stories, memories, and human connection. It is a process that connects body and soul, and that makes the feeling of belonging more tangible.

The name is a mantra. The naming process was carefully studied to be consistent and simultaneously connected with the brand values ​​.

That’s how his new mantra was born: Oca, the home. Anga, the soul. From the Tupi language: OCANGA, home of the soul.

The brand construction process was driven by some pillars: the company’s positioning, a work’s process that is retained throughout the entire user’s journey and the need for a strong and unique brand in the engineering market.

A symbol full of meanings: beginning to unfold a disruptive brand.

By consolidating its products and services based on the stages of a construction project, we could properly emphasize all that Ocanga and its network of partners provide. It also brought clarity on how important it is for construction companies to have specialist partners, ensuring process excellence.

It was the transformation of an engineer, an expert in metal structures, into a company specialized in structures’ pathologies. All of that along with commercial materials, a well drawn user’s journey and a new research methodology, designed to provide uniqueness to the brand new and to improve the interaction experience between Márcio and his clients.

Ocanga covers the different stages of a project

With a new speech and commercial materials, lots of love and creativity for the deployment of its work philosophy, Ocanga follows conquering its market.

To contribute to the integrity and development of the new business model, we systematized the main aspects and strategies in a manual. Take a quick look at part of it.

More than that, we designed Ocanga’s growth and launch strategy, mentoring the company commercially and financially.

“It was an intense process that brought me a greater understanding of the place that I occupy in the world now and the place I want to occupy in the future. It was very interesting to see everything that can be built with what we would consider as small, to see everything that was scattered inside us coming to life and be given a unique shape. It was fundamental to feel loved and respected in the process, because without it, it would have been pointless. DZN helped me to want more, to expand my horizons. They put me on the edge of what it is to be an entrepreneur, with all the tools to follow this path.”

Márcio Araújo, founder of Ocanga

Brandbook — The time to consolidate the use of the new brand and remember the essence of its expression.

New clients, new attitude, impact management and commercial growth. All this thanks to a process that emphasizes autonomy and growth, based on design, strategy, and love.

Want to understand how we create purposes? Meet PROS history.



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Somos uma casa de pessoas que questionam modelos tradicionais, que buscam a evolução profissional e o autoconhecimento para a transformação de negócios.