What is Digital Marketing?



Digital marketing is the use of digital technologies for instance social media, desktop, mobile phones or any digital medium to promote certain products or services to potential buyers. It encompasses different marketing strategies such as Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, and Email Marketing.

The traditional way of marketing like advertising, radio, banner advertisement, broadcast etcetera which is not so cost effective or good for branding. Nowadays digital marketing is much more prevalent since it is data-driven and so marketers can easily collect and monitor the consumers behavior and preference. Hence providing a personalized content which would result in positive engagement. It is a completely new venture with its way of analyzing the consumers as compared to traditional marketing.

With the communities going digital and relying on such technologies to learn about new brands, it is necessary for every business or brand to have a website or a social media presence for brand awareness and expansion. Digital Marketing allows you to get much more creative with marketing strategies than in the traditional way. You could analyze your increment rate and ROI(return of investment) using digital tools, which helps to get a clear picture of where you stand and what measures can be taken to improve

“ Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell.” –Seth Godin, Bestselling Author and Blogger.

Types of Digital marketing

I) Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  1. On page SEO
  2. Off page SEO
  3. Technical SEO

II) Content Marketing

  1. Blogs
  2. E books

III) Social Media Marketing

  1. Facebook
  2. Twitter
  3. Linkedin
  4. Instagram

IV) Pay Per Click (PPC)

  1. Paid ads on Facebook
  2. Sponsored posts on Linkedin

V) Inbound Marketing

  1. Blogging vs. pop-up ads
  2. Video marketing
  3. Sponsored Content

VI) Marketing Automation

  1. Email newsletters
  2. Campaign tracking and reporting
  3. Social media post scheduling

VII) Native Advertising

VIII) Email Marketing

IX) Online PR

X) ) Affiliate Marketing

Advantages of Digital Marketing over Traditional Marketing

Audience Targeting

While Traditional Marketing is usually limited to local chapters, Digital Marketing provides global outreach. It is a two way communication approach so there is clarity of one targeted and simpler.

Customer/Consumer Relations

Traditional Marketing has an inflexible medium to interact in the same place from where customers get to know the product, making it difficult for both sides to put their words & talks. While Digital marketing has a lot of platforms to interact like social media, websites and apps for collecting feedback and complaints.

The Cost

Traditional Market requires investment and that too is a lot. The advertisements on TVs, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines, etc. Digital Marketing shifts the load to social platforms using the company’s page on these platforms. The expense here is only net data used.

Strategic empowerment

Traditional Marketing uses hardcopy of all documentation and engagements. The maintenance of these is very hard and expensive. The analysis becomes a hectic task as the records are difficult to search, sort and use. To make a strategy for other campaigns and events these data are not present at that instant. While in Digital Marketing all the data are stored in digital form which can be used in hard copy when required. The analysis becomes better in manifolds times and it is easy to form a strategy


While the data and ads of Traditional Marketing requires time to be reality and get communicated, Digital Marketing is on the spot work space. All data, ads , communication work is done in real time. The engagement and interactions are not interrupted with things like bad weather.

Approach to Complaints

In traditional marketing consumers complaints are on hold for a longer period before getting resorted as it is a rigid system. While in digital marketing, it is simpler and engagement towards clients is faster and higher making it a user friendly approach. The complaints are resolved within a short time.




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