Deventhieswar Vilvanathan
E-Cell VIT
Published in
9 min readAug 24, 2020

When the whole world was trying to figure out ways to make money over investing in growing companies and startups, when billionaires around our planet were trying to figure out which company was profitable, to invest and make billions and zillions, A young man who started his carrier by purchasing stock from the pocket money given by his father at the age 11, was determined enough to change the corporate world with his ideas and ideals. Little did the corporate world at that time knew that this young man would break myths and create a new age with his company, “THE BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY”.

When it comes to surviving in a corporate world, it requires innovation, brilliance, and the determination to implement our ideas in our firm. This man is the best in it. He started working as an intern cook in McDonald’s in the summer where he formulated his idea of selling books online. Though many of his friends and closed ones said this idea is not realistic, it’s not possible, you can’t implement it and so on, but he had the determination and belief in his vision and perspective, which lead him to launch his company in 1994. Though initially, this company didn’t make any big profits, after the turn of the millennium this company became one of the most valuable companies, not just in Nasdaq but around the world. This company is called “AMAZON”.

Two young men pursuing their doctorate in Stanford University were preparing their research project and named it “BackRub”, A system that checked backlines to estimate the importance of a site. Little did they know that this company will grow up to become a giant in the tech world that Elon Musk himself would remark, “The only company I am afraid of is “GOOGLE”, see this corporate as a mountain. You can climb a mountain but never move it”.

All these three companies have started from nil and made it to the billions, and it’s inevitable to discuss the corporate social responsibility and ethics these companies have followed, which played a major role in the rise of these giants.


The organizations possessed by Berkshire Hathaway, the enormous corporate that Warren Buffett architectured, follow their pioneer in grasping corporate social responsibility, stewardship and maintainability. Yet, the expansiveness and size of the rambling aggregate can shroud both the responsibilities and occasional issues.

For instance, in the mid-2000s, before it turned out to be a piece of Berkshire Hathaway, Russell Corp. consented to major authorizing arrangements to deliver active apparel decorated with well-known logos. It made agreements with scores of U.S. colleges and marked an enormous arrangement with the National Basketball Association.

The difficulty was, the products appended with authorized Russell logos were made in industrial facilities in China and Honduras that occupied with shocking behavior. In China, the organization’s items were produced in sweatshops that abused standards of worldwide human rights; in Honduras, organization authorities barricaded the plant and removed the workforce in reprisal for endeavors to unionize. Such trouble making drew the consideration of activists over the United States, including a gathering of undergrads who requested that colleges end the permitting understandings.

These issues persevered, in any case, significantly after 2006 when Russell was obtained by Fruit of the Loom, which had become some portion of Berkshire in 2002. At last, in 2009, a previous representative of the Honduras office took the floor at the Berkshire yearly gathering to cover the conditions and request a reaction. Russell’s working exercises appeared differently in relation to Berkshire’s principles of respectability and notoriety; speedily after learning of the issues, Fruit of the Loom amended them.

Given globalization, it will be welcoming to develop Berkshire’s procurement universe. The planning might be favorable, as the gathering and stream of intergenerational family riches that happened in the United States during Berkshire’s initial decades is repeating across Asia and Latin America. In any case, while going worldwide, the requirement for unified inside control and combination announcing will heighten.


While discussing CSR In Amazon Inc., we need to analyze the policy adopted by this corporate in three parts.




The Amazon inc follows Archie Carroll’s model of corporate social responsibility. According to this model, stakeholders are individuals or groups linked to the organization based on their stake in what the business does. The company affects its stakeholders, and vice versa. In the case of Amazon, stakeholders have widely varying interests, considering the global reach of the organization. This condition requires a broad scope for the company’s corporate social responsibility strategy, policies and programs. Satisfying stakeholders’ interests helps maintain Amazon’s market position as the leading online retail company in the world.


Amazon’s corporate social responsibility system gives the most elevated need to customers and clients as the most significant partner gathering. The organization considers clients as the essential determinant of its web-based business achievement, particularly in light of the fact that these partners altogether influence incomes. Such prioritization concurs with Amazon’s statement of purpose and vision proclamation, which features the centrality of clients in the business and its turn of events. The interests of these partners are reasonable evaluating, the comfort of administration, and online security in executing with the organization. Amazon fulfills these interests through accentuation on administration and innovation. For instance, the organization utilizes propelled data and correspondence innovations for secure exchanges and for effective buy and conveyance forms. Amazon representatives are additionally prepared to boost the advantages of these innovations and to guarantee client comfort. Moreover, reasonable valuing is kept up through rivalry among venders on the organization’s online retail site and through the market-based evaluating system [Read: Amazon’s Pricing Strategies, Marketing Mix]. In this way, Amazon’s corporate social obligation approach adequately addresses the interests of clients as an essential partner gathering.

EMPLOYEES:- Inc. values workers as huge determinants of authoritative execution in corporate social duty approaches and projects. This partner bunch is keen on serious pay and vocation improvement. Workers are significant in light of the fact that they bolster the upper hand dependent on Amazon’s hierarchical culture. The organization’s HR encourages the improvement of new plans to expand business proficiency. Amazon fulfills the interests of these partners through the initiative turn of events and a proper pay strategy dependent on the association’s high development potential. For instance, the organization gives high pay, particularly for the IT workforce legitimately engaged with creating and keeping up the innovation resources of the web-based business. Amazon’s proceeding with development and worldwide extension additionally makes professional success open doors for workers, particularly in administration and the executive positions. Therefore, serious remuneration and authoritative social help are the primary purposes in Amazon’s corporate social duty procedure to address the interests of this partner gathering.


Amazon keeps up a corporate social responsibility program for communities and networks. These partners are huge on the grounds that they impact customer recognition on the organization’s merchandise and ventures. The interests of networks incorporate improvement support, for example, through training, social insurance, and ecological preservation. The organization tends to these interests chiefly through its essential network bolster arm, Amazon Smile. For instance, through Amazon Smile, a level of deals incomes are given to clients picked beneficent associations. This methodology empowers the wide reach of Amazon’s corporate social obligation procedure in fulfilling the interests of networks as a critical partner bunch in the online retail business.


Google apart from being a leading conglomerate for innovation is additionally known for its great picture in the field of HR. For quite a while consistently, it has been positioned as probably the best work environment. The organization has quickly developed into a main web innovation business that has brought an enormous scope of items and administrations to improve lives for billions on earth. Google is additionally known for its altruistic exercises. Till now, it has put a considerable aggregate and assets into such exercises. From instruction to work and more regions, it has dedicated its assets to improve lives for individuals in America and abroad. All the main players in the innovation business are putting resources into humanitarian exercises including Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and Google.

Examination and advancement at Google aren’t restricted to item improvement yet to making answers for significant social and financial issues. Aside from Corporate social duty, Google has additionally demonstrated noteworthy concentration in the region of supportability. The significance of maintainability in the field of universal business has grown a great deal. Aside from governments, legitimate offices, and guard dog offices, society itself has grown much more mindful about the effect organizations are having on the earth. Accordingly, innovation mammoths are concentrating on making their items and procedures more economical. Some of them are likewise helping other people with gifts and assets to accomplish their supportability targets. Find out about Google’s interest in Corporate Social Responsibility and manageability and the sort of changes Google is attempting to acknowledge in the US society and around the globe.


Training and learning for the oppressed and underrepresented are one of the essential center zones in the CSR strategy of Google. The pursuit of the mammoth is committing its innovative assets to help a great many people discover quality instruction and a superior vocation. It isn’t simply Google however a few other driving innovation players like Amazon, Microsoft, and Apple are additionally attempting to make IT instruction workable for the underestimated understudies. It has submitted around $50 million to help children and individuals in underestimated and distraught networks in many areas of the world. This financing will help fill the learning hole and plan kids for the occupations of tomorrow. The hole, in any case, continues becoming bigger and bigger.


Aside from instruction and learning, Google is putting resources into ventures and non-benefit establishments that work to improve the state of business. It is contributing assets and innovation to assist individuals with finding the correct chances and to set them up for its developing number Jobs. For instance it has given around $1.5 millions to Code for America which is an undertaking with its essential center being work coordinating. “Throughout the following two years, is giving subsidizing and Google volunteers to help Code for America create and scale new advancements to associate 30,000 occupation searchers with preparing and quest for new employment support” .


Another significant social issue that Google is attempting to address with assets and assets is racial segregation. It is committing its assets to enable individuals who have been underestimated or victimized based on race. Google is attempting to propel value and consideration in the American framework which is presently set apart by an overwhelming level of racial predisposition. Non-white individuals are confronting an overwhelming level of separation in American culture. In addition, in light of information and exploration, one out of each three Black men can hope to be detained once in a blue moon. Award financing by Google is now centered around associations attempting to tending to racial inclination and imbalance in the United States. In addition, it intends to put resources into associations utilizing information science and creative new ways to deal with distinguishing and break down inclination in the criminal equity framework and bolster development pioneers who are changing the national account on race. The focal point of Google is additionally on the Criminal Justice framework and its digitization and investigation to distinguish and address racial predisposition.

Based on this research paper we can understand how business and conglomerate giants develop themselves and evolve to build much better versions not just by brilliant strategies and planning but also being responsible towards their customers, employees, stakeholders and society.

We can conclude that Corporate social responsibility is very important for the sustainable development of the company as well as society.

