Why we invested in Female invest

Marie Geneste
Published in
6 min readJul 29, 2024

Because every second counts

It would take another 169 years to close the gender financial gap at the current rate, according to the World Economic Forum (report).

All around the world, women are falling behind financially: women earn less, women save less and women also fail to invest.

Is that really surprising that only 18% of women invest (compared to 69% of men)? Or that only 10% of paying Robinhood customers are women?

A combination of factors make that women feel excluded from the world of finance today: lack of knowledege, fear of losing money and lack of trust.
Most women are very interested in investing, but they lack confidence in themselves and feel they need more education, which there is no obvious place to find. Our society is advancing, yet our educational system lags in one crucial area: financial literacy. As young adults step into independence, they face a stark reality — their education has left them ill-prepared for the financial hurdles that lie ahead. From managing taxes to investing wisely, a significant knowledge gap exists, leaving many vulnerable to financial instability

18% of women developed their knowledge around investing from their partners. Women favour advice from others.

Most women value trust in the broker, transparency and user-friendliness above all else… and are willing to pay a premium for that. This is a major market opportunity

Because every woman counts

Female Invest was born global and the member base has rapidly became even more internationalised with members in over 120 countries today.

This is because this is not a niche market, this is a huge market opportunity: Female Invest is adressing half of the global population.
And this targeted audience is getting richer. Women’s wealth is outpacing global wealth: according to the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), women hold today 40% of global wealth, rising at a CAGR of 7.2% by 2023 vs. 5.2% for men.

Female Invest is adressing a diversity of women in terms of age, background and maturity in terms of personal finance journey. There is no single type of woman nor investor, but it is never too early or too late to start investing in one’s future.

Female Invest wants to empower every women to maximise their financial potential by becoming a lifetime financial partner to women.

A subscription-based finance universe combining learning, community and soon trading

Female Invest educates women on personal finance and investment, both offline and online. The app offers give women everything they need to manage their money and start investing.

Learning. Members learn how to optimise their finance and about investing no matter where they are is their life thanks to learning path that help navigate through online courses, live webinars and podcasts featuring experts. They stay on top of what’s moving the markets with Monday morning live streams, weekly podcasts and news articles.

Community. Members ask questions, share stories and trade knowledge about all things money and financial wellbeing in the app. Female invest counts now 70,000 paying members and 450,000+ followers across social media platforms.

Trading is the obvious next step because it is the most requested feature and because Female invest users are unable to find a broker that meets their needs. Having this in mind, Female invest acquired the trading platform Gaia investments in 2023. At the begining of this year, they have released Playvest, a trading simulator which has shown a rapid adoption from the majority of members.

The vast majority of the paying members are on annual plans and the engagement and retention metrics are nsane, on the very top percentile of consumer app benchmarks. And the company managed to control churn and increase usage while scaling.

Founded and led by talented, unstoppable entrepreneurs

The co-founders of Female invest are amazing, mission-driven entrepreneurs.
Emma, Anna-Sophie and Camilla met at the tier-1 Copenhagen business school and bonded over their passion for investing and to get more women into the space of investing.

They collectively have already achieved so much: they were selected to the prestigious Silicon-Valley based accelerator YCombinator (S21), they were first Nordic women to be featured on the Forbes under 30 list, and they have became Sunday Times Best-Seller co-authors with their book Girls Just Wanna Have Fund, and they have been endorsed by high-profile figures like Hillary Clinton and Emma Watson.

They launched female invest in 2019 from Copenaghen, but one cofounder has already moved to the UK where 40% of the members is located today. Next stop: US calling.

Female Invest is more than just a business, it is a force for change

The company stands as a beacon of mission-driven purpose, rooted deeply in the political landscape with a clear objective: to close the financial gender gap and change the course of systemic injustice.

By becoming a lifetime financial partner to women and marginalized voices everywhere, Female Invest is shifting the tides of financial power.

2021 campaign taking ownership of a well known symbol from the movie ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’

As a fund focusing on investing in solutions emprowering individuals through work and education,

As a fund obsessed with making impact at scale,

As one of the very few female-led GP in Europe,

As a strong promotor of female entrepreneurship with over 40% of our portfolio companies founded or cofounded by women,

Educapital deeply understand and align with the mission of Female invest. It was an obvious match when we first met two years ago, and since the traction and achievements proved us the team was the best to adress it.

That is why we have unanimously decided to lead this $11 million Series A round and support the next steps of this game-changing journey.


About Educapital
Educapital is the largest European impact VC fund dedicated to the future of Education and Work with $200M assets under management. Founded in 2017 by MC. Levet and L. Maarek, Educapital invests from late seed to Series B in European start-ups that are disrupting or innovating in these sectors.
Educapital invests in every fields of Edtech — early childhood, K12, higher education, lifelong learning— and targets talent-centric HRtech solutions — professional training, upskilling, recruitment, engagement and well-being in the workplace.
Educapital’s ambition is to help European champions emerge by providing them with initial financial support, ongoing expertise and market-specific know-how.
Educapital has invested in more than 35 companies, including Labster, 360Learning, Preply, Lunii and KnowUnity, making it one of the most active EdTech and Future of Work funds in the world.

This operation benefits from support from the European Union under the InvestEU Fund



Marie Geneste

VC @Educapital, investing in Edtech and Future of Work