Customer Journey Map Audit

for online supermarket

4 min readApr 27, 2022


Customer Journey Map — is a detailed description of the e-grocery store's real usage, being created by experts’ cabinet study or with attraction real customers.

We perform the audit of e-grocery stores to track all the actions, know the expectations and the real process, understand the pain points and more — we are open to hear the customer and try to get more insights.

Additionally to e-grocery rating 2022 Portugal, by the company request, we perform an Audit of the actual Customer Journey and Emotional design analysis. Why it’s relevant?

What are the impediments when people buy food online

People do not use digital stores to buy groceries not only because they like to go to the physical store, but also because it takes from them more time, or they even do not have enough skills or knowledge, and are not so familiar with online shopping.

Instead of losing potential online customers and revenue from the additional sales, it is better to think if your e-grocery service is convenient, what are the things people like in your service or if your service causes some impediments to complete the purchase — so you can think in the more customer-centric way and be aware of the journey that customer experiences. You can study a real Customer Journey via the service and see all of its steps, touchpoints, customer expectations and what is actual experience provided by your online store.

Audit of the actual Customer Journey and Customer Journey Map (CJM) creation

The audit of Customer Journey perfectly complements the functionality benchmark from the standard e-grocery rating report, as it reveals the value of certain features for the customers, shows Customer Flow in the process of using e-grocery store and what are the barriers and drivers customers can meet in their purchasing process.
The Customer Journey audit diagnoses both big problems and small issues in the service that affect the willingness of customers to continue using the service to make purchases and recommend it to others. The audit is also allowing the owners of e-grocery stores to discover some insights they would never know about (for example, during grocery online shopping people are willing to know when the product was produced and to check the “best before date” and have confusion because in this case, they lose control of what they are buying and require some support from the service at the moment to proceed with the order placement).

How we perform the CJM audit?

We collect data from audit using the following structure —

Steps of the online purchasing | Customer goals| Customer expectations | Touch points | Description of real process of usage| Screenshots | Emotions | Quotes | Emoji reflecting the customer feelings| Barriers| Advantages that customer sees in the store

Example of CJM

Touch points

We are identifying touch points where customers interact with the e-grocery store and observe if they have any barriers to go through them successfully, for example —

  • Search engine (to search for the e-grocery store in the Internet),
  • Main page of the online store,
  • Product catalog,
  • Search option,
  • Product page,
  • Favorites/templates,
  • Cart,
  • Registration and order confirmation forms,
  • Customer profile/Personal Area,
  • Push, SMS, e-mail,
  • Customer support service (phone, chat).


At every touch point customer can meet barriers — the case when customer can not proceed to make an order because service is not working as the customer expects — the product page does not have enough information, there is no photo, it is not possible to choose the quantity of the product, or it is not clear what is the process to buy or what would be the spot for delivery, etc.

We are clarifying the information about all the issues and what customers can feel about that. All the information is being collected in CJM. For instance, in our CJM audit of Top e-grocery stores, we found up to 200 barriers in each service.

Based on the information collected, we prepare the report with

  • “as is detailed Customer Journey Map”, with a detailed description of the actual customer experience that the e-grocery store offers to the customers,
  • list of proposals for the e-grocery store evolution.

Imagine, how much profit CJM audit can bring to the e-grocery company, and how much happier will be the customers, if appropriate improvements will be implemented.

About Emotional design analysis

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