The Key to Task Management in Asana is Writing Clear Tasks

Regi Adams
The Productivity Mix
2 min readAug 29, 2018


Pro(ductivity) Tip #102

Asana is a great tool to keep yourself organized and moving forward on achieving your project goals. Asana, however, is only as effective as the tasks you write. If you cannot instantly tell what needs to be done and when you need to do it, you will not gain the efficiency you hope the project tool would make possible.

Consider this, a project is nothing more than a series of actions completed in the proper sequence. So the more clear you can be about your tasks the more productive you will be. In short, to get the most out of Asana focus on writing effective tasks.

So how do you write effective tasks? I found a couple of things to be helpful.

  1. Use verb + object format
  2. Keep it brief

Technique 1: Use a Verb+ Object Task Format

A task, written in an active voice clearly states what needs to be done and the object to which it needs to be done to. The verb + object format wastes little time on filler words. Filler words only give you more to decipher later. A minimalist approach is best. If you need to add more clarifying information Asana provides a description field in the task for this purpose. A task written in an active tone is helpful because it is direct and succinct.



Regi Adams
The Productivity Mix

I am a Knowledge Manager with a passion for kung fu, comics and all things enlightening. Check out my articles for insights on productivity and KM.