5 Expert Tips for Better Community Management

Photo by Kylie Lugo on Unsplash

Hello community managers. Today, I’m here to give you the tips you need to up your community management game.

A strong community becomes a place where customers interact not just with your brand, but with each other. This work as free word of mouth advertising and a great source of positive and authentic reviews.

Having a killer community management strategy is what sets apart good brands and great brands. But with multiple platforms to manage, community management becomes a tricky beast.

So let’s get into some tips. I can’t stress this enough.

1. Plan Ahead:

Photo by Felipe Furtado on Unsplash

You should be planning weeks if not months in advance. You’ll have better, more cohesive campaigns, and you’ll have time to readjust if you need to.

This is also good protection against content routes and generally keeps the flow of your content consistent. Here you’ll want to invest in a good content calendar and set up approval flows. They’ll reduce your risk of mistakes and give you a clear overview of your team’s responsibilities. You can give us a try for free, just click on the link below.

2. Cultivate Your Brand’s Personality:

Photo by Oleg Laptev on Unsplash

Just because you’re representing a community doesn’t mean you should be boring, just the opposite.

You can be warm and bubbly or throwing a sassy edge, but whatever you do, create a memorable and consistent brand personality that stands out from the crowd.

Your audience will love interacting with you.

One really authentic example of community management comes from Netflix. Check out their page.

Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/CYos0xNPcdr/

This is amazingly fun and insist you on engaging to it.

Disclaimer though. Sassiness may not work for all brands. Be sure to follow your brand guidelines. So you know exactly what’s acceptable.

3. Track the metrics that are important to you:

Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash

As a community manager. The metrics that define your success might be a little different from other parts of the business.

And that’s okay, you’ll be focusing on things like account growth, interactions, response and resolution time to customer queries and customer satisfaction.

Tracking these metrics will help you determine how well your team is performing and will allow you to easily see where you can improve.

4. Use the data you’re collecting:

Photo by Alexander Sinn on Unsplash

As a community manager, you’re in closer contact with your audience than anyone else.

You’ll see

  1. How they respond to your content?
  2. What drives engagement?
  3. What does not all on a daily basis?

You’ll also know all their issues and questions inside and out.

These are invaluable insights for your community or business, allowing you to improve satisfaction and deal with customer pain points before they reach a boiling point.

5. Feature user generated content:

Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash

People don’t trust companies, but they do trust other people’s experiences with companies.

User generated content is a great way to showcase your customers experiences with your product in a natural and authentic way.

And the best part about it is it won’t cost you a thing. User generated content can be anything as small as people mentioning your brand and tweets or writing reviews.

But there are other great ways to include your audience’s voice, from guest blogs to marketing campaigns that include user generated content.

You don’t have to look far for a brand using the same strategy. Just check out GoPro.

Through their diverse range of cameras, everyday users are able to share their experiences with their networks, from 360-degree photos to live videos.

I hope you’ve enjoyed these quick community management tips.

If you want more, you can follow us on medium. If you have any great tips, leave us a comment below, and be sure to hit that clap button while you’re at it. We will contact you to include your tip in this article.



E=M2C — Event Managers and Community Managers

Imagination is the key to unlock the world. I am trying to unlock mine.