e-Money explores integration with Aurora

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3 min readSep 9, 2021

We are delighted to announce that e-Money is exploring integrating with Aurora, an EVM built on the NEAR protocol. As cryptocurrency payments across spectrums gain momentum, this will be a crucial step forward towards e-Money’s expansion into a multi-chain ecosystem.

Aurora delivers a turn-key solution for developers to operate their apps on an Ethereum-compatible, high-throughput, scalable and future-safe platform, with low transaction costs for their users.

e-Money’s interoperability with multiple blockchains, including an existing bridge with Ethereum, provide a strong basis to launch its stablecoin solution on Aurora, with its advanced features such as trustless bridging, and gasless meta transactions.

e-Money will initially look to deploy its most popular stablecoin, the eEUR, before exploring its suite of other cryptocurrencies such as eCHF, eSEK, eDKK, and eNOK onto the network.

The potential collaboration will encourage existing projects on Aurora to explore a wider range of payment solutions using e-Money’s stablecoins, as well as facilitate integrations with additional blockchain projects looking at native currency options to transact in within the European region.

About Aurora

Aurora is an Ethereum Virtual Machine created by the team at the NEAR Protocol. Recently Aurora has spinned off as a separate entity with the same stellar team of blockchain professionals.

Aurora offers full Ethereum compatibility, so developers can deploy their Solidity contracts on Aurora without the need to re-write their applications. The use of the NEAR blockchain, one of the highest performance third-generation L1 protocols, ensures high throughput and scalability. With low transaction costs of the NEAR Protocol, users not only enjoy fast transactions, but very economical ones as well.

The Aurora Bridge, as a part of the NEAR Rainbow Bridge, is the only fully trustless asset bridge in the Ethereum industry. Transaction fees in Aurora are paid in the base currency, ETH, providing a great UX for users, and opening the door to interesting ecosystem sustainability possibilities.

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About E-Money

The e-Money protocol is built for the issuance of a range of interest-bearing currency-backed stablecoins reflecting various world currencies. Each token is backed by a reserve of assets denominated in its underlying currency. e-Money currently supports the Euro (EUR), Swiss Franc (CHF), Swedish Krona (SEK), Norwegian Krone (NOK), and the Danish Krone (DKK) with a host of additional currencies pegged for release throughout the year. The project is dedicated to total transparency with quarterly reserve audits performed by Ernst & Young.

Unlike most existing stablecoins which aim to maintain a static 1:1 peg with their underlying assets, the value of e-Money’s currency-backed tokens continually shifts in line with the interest accrued on the reserve assets. This means that holders benefit from the interest accrued on their assets while they sit securely in your wallet. The e-Money blockchain supports instant payments at scale and includes a DEX for easy conversion between currencies. e-Money has already integrated with Ethereum and expects to integrate with Binance Smart Chain, Cosmos Hub, Avalanche, Polygon, and Elrond in 2021.

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