E-Residency Blog is now at e-resident.gov.ee/blog

Which means this Medium blog is now retired

Hannah Brown
E-Residency Blog, E-residentsuse blogi
1 min readJan 7, 2022


In 2021, e-Residency made the decision to switch from posting content on Medium to our fresh new blog on the e-Residency website.

Click on the image to navigate to the new e-Residency blog.

It took some time to update and transfer older content over from Medium, tweak how the new blog looks, and fix little bugs here and there. But, aside from ongoing improvements and new features, these activities have been completed.

Since June, we have published around 30 articles on the new blog about:

This Medium blog is now officially retired and we will no longer be posting articles here or monitoring/responding to comments.

If you enjoy reading e-Residency content, please check in on the new blog each week and subscribe to the e-Residency monthly newsletter for a great summary of what we’ve published that month.

Thanks for being part of our community! See you at e-resident.gov.ee/blog.

