Estonian e-Residency: from freelancer to global enterprise

A low-risk launchpad for your side-hustle or revolution

Maya Middlemiss
E-Residency Blog, E-residentsuse blogi


Tallinn Old Town. Photo: Kaupo Kalda

Most businesses start with an idea — a way to apply your unique attribute to a situation where you can add value, where someone pays you for that. When inspiration strikes you might have no idea whether you’re looking at a viable side hustle, never mind the next unicorn success story, but you have to start somewhere.

And from such small acorns, dreams of the future can grow.

When inspiration comes knocking, it’s great to know that there exist low-risk and enabling environments to provide a safety net and time for validation and growth.

Estonia has just this kind of business environment, and thanks to
e-Residency is open for entrepreneurs from all over the world to grow side-hustles, launch innovative products and services, and manage the administrative side of their businesses with minimal bureaucracy.

The cost of entrepreneurial thinking



Maya Middlemiss
E-Residency Blog, E-residentsuse blogi

Freelance author/journalist/consultant, creator of Healthy Happy Homeworking, obsessed with the future of everything: Work, money, business, collaboration…