Growing old the smart way

Helping the elderly to live independently longer

6 min readMar 7, 2018


by Antoinette Price

Smart City technologies can help the disabled and elderly to remain independent for longer (photo: sabinevanerp, Pixabay)

The UN estimates that there are 962 million people in the world aged 60 or over, which is equivalent to 13 per cent of the global population. They expect that figure to more than double by 2050 and to more than triple by 2100.

In line with this, the WHO World Report on Disability states that more than one billion people live with some form of disability. The figure will rise as populations age.

One goal of Smart Cities is to make sure that the elderly and people with disabilities are able to live independently for as long as possible. This means providing human and technical support to manage chronic health conditions and ensure that there is physical access to places, as well as guaranteeing the ability to move around easily within the home or city.

Increasingly, information and communication technology (ICT), audio, video and multimedia systems are being incorporated into Smart City infrastructure. ICT provides the tools and support required to improve the lives of people with disabilities, whatever their age.

For example, smart alarm systems and smoke detectors adapted for people with hearing impairments alert users by flashing intermittently, or, if the person is lying down, by vibrating (under a pillow or mattress). The wireless transmitters in some of these systems can also connect to home security systems, videophones or the doorbell and send alerts from these.

Another useful device is the liquid level indicator that beeps when a cup is nearly full, enabling visually impaired people to do something as simple as make a cup of tea without scalding themselves.

Helping to connect complex systems

The IEC contributes to this effort through the work of the technology experts around the world who produce International Standards to ensure the safety, reliability and compatibility of the diverse technologies used in Smart Cities. This also includes components of the Internet of Things (IoT) that are used in systems for transport, hospitals, power, water supply, waste management, schools and more.

Intelligent homes are safer places

In an increasingly digital age, the IoT offers innovative ways to help aging populations. IoT devices, buildings, cars and other objects are embedded with electronics, software, sensors and network technology, which allow them to collect and exchange data with a view to helping save lives and assisting disabled people with everyday activities.

In the home, if a person with dementia forgets to close a window at night during winter or leaves the stove on, or if an elderly person living alone falls over and is unable to move, the consequences could be fatal. Sensors in smart appliances or placed on doors and windows offer solutions for detecting temperature, motion and location.

Smart home care systems can switch on lights when they detect a person’s movement, remind people to take medicine, turn off appliances after a certain time has passed and monitor daily activities. If there is a change in routine, care givers or family are alerted. Some systems also link directly to various emergency services.

GPS tracking devices are particularly useful for people with different conditions affecting the memory. Family or health carers can track a person and help them find their way back home.

None of this would be possible without the work of the IEC to develop International Standards for the design, manufacture, use and reuse of sensors, as well as for measuring and testing methods.

IT supports over-burdened health systems

Age-related health issues, including increased susceptibility to chronic conditions such as diabetes, dementia and cardiovascular disease, will increase the number of patients and put a strain on health systems and service providers. Technology is helping to address this.

The way we detect, monitor and treat an increasing number of diseases is changing thanks to wearable and portable medical devices. Built-in sensors track different aspects of health.

For example, patients can check their own heart rate or blood pressure and send the results to online healthcare systems in hospitals and clinics. Telemedicine allows doctors who receive patient medical data to give advice remotely via phone, email or webcam.

Some types of diabetes can be monitored in real time using wearables which check insulin levels. Results are sent to a smart phone, as well as alerts indicating if levels are too high or too low.

Some wearables administer insulin doses when necessary, allowing users to get on with their daily activities uninterrupted. For the less mobile, or those in remote locations, these types of solutions improve quality of life and reduce the number of visits to medical professionals, who would otherwise be the ones to carry out these checks.

Safe and secure connections

As with any device connecting to the IoT, it is important to safeguard data confidentiality. At the IEC there is a focus on safety and performance, including “data security, data integrity and data privacy,” including Technical Reports for medical device software and IT networks incorporating medical devices.

IEC also develops International Standards for information technology together with ISO.

Getting about town

Participating in social activities and running daily errands is a normal part of life. However for people with certain disabilities, leaving the home can be a daunting prospect. There are many apps which use audible and ‘vibrotactile’ technology to help people with visual or hearing loss get around town safely and confidently.

For example, a talking map app tells users where they are going. They follow the map using their fingers and the app vibrates when they reach a crossing. Visually impaired users of the innovative colour ID app can ‘see’ what colour any item is, by holding the smart phone in front of it.

They can coordinate their wardrobe, check if a piece of fruit is ripe, or choose the right lipstick. Other systems can translate voice to text or reproduce sign language for those with impaired hearing.

ICT equipment already includes software solutions, such as optical character recognition, character magnification or voice recognition systems and hardware including adapted or on-screen keyboards. TV services have become more accessible to the blind and visually impaired by explaining what is happening on screen, using the gaps in dialogue and audio description.

Another technology area focuses on International Standards for audio, video and multimedia systems and equipment, including the provision of audio description, such as text services and subtitling. There is related work on Active Assisted Living, accessibility and user interfaces, including a Technical Report on ‘Audio, video and multimedia systems and equipment activities and considerations related to accessibility and usability.’

People with hearing loss use a variety of hearing aids, covered by IEC work on measurements of electroacoustic and performance characteristics.

It has also developed Standards which allow wearers of specially-equipped hearing aids to have a wireless signal transmitted directly to their ear in places like museums or theatres. The International Standard for ‘Digital terrestrial television receivers for the DVB-T system,’ provides details for the provision of audio description and specifies recommendations for the provision of text services and subtitling.

The driverless wheels of change

Future urban transport models for Smart Cities must offer growing populations clean, reliable, safe and affordable ways to move around town. They will incorporate electric driverless vehicles, which are already being tested in a number of countries worldwide.

A leading ride-hailing company envisages making this service so affordable and convenient that people will forgo car ownership and summon a car from their smartphone for door to door transport. Though it may seem farfetched, a report by Morgan Stanley says that ride-hailing currently accounts for less than 4% of all kilometres driven globally, but by 2030, that figure will rise to more than 25%.

While the infrastructure required for driverless vehicles is still not in place, arguments for it are strong. In addition to improving road safety, air quality and reducing congestion, it would be particularly convenient for the elderly who are not able to drive and cannot manage the walks to and from bus stops or up and down stairs.

The dawn of the assistive robot

The development of Smart Cities is a slow process in which technology is moving rapidly. The IEC will continue to produce International Standards for existing and emerging AAL technologies such as cloud computing for storing the big data gathered from all the devices and systems within Smart City infrastructure.

As greater numbers of people need care and fewer care givers enter the workplace, robots will have a role to play in smart home systems. Cutting-edge sensory technology already enables robots in manufacturing to recognize and adjust to subtle changes, while robot carts deliver medicine successfully around hospitals.

In the AAL context, robots can perform daily tasks and help out in emergencies. Further research is being carried out to see how they could be used in increased numbers of social contexts, such as serving food or providing company.

A version of this article originally appeared in the September 2016 edition of e-tech

