Blog Post 4

Jason DeSio
Published in
2 min readApr 19, 2018

I am deeply concerned with the rise of artificial intelligence. I find that the idea that a robot can act as a human is just disturbing. This technology will have little to no beneficial. Not only will it affect the economy by taking people’s jobs, but it will also make our society lazier than we already are. The only positive effect this technology can bring is in the medical fields. Robots can eliminate the human error from surgeries and perform tasks more efficiently. Despite this, I am a firm believer that artificial intelligence will be detrimental to our society.

Chiang, author of “Silicon Valley Is Turning Into Its Own Worst Fear”, explores capitalism specifically in Silicon Valley. He uses the topic of artificial intelligence to help portray his own opinions. Companies are advertising artificial intelligence to be way more advanced than it truly is. Chiang is more concerned with the fact that major companies such as Google essentially run monopolies in the technological world. He states, “we need to worry about the fact that it’s almost impossible to run a business online without using Google’s services”. Chiang believes that the technology companies are using artificial intelligence to distract consumers from their sneaky tactics, such as sharing our personal information with other companies. Chiang definitely looks at the negative impacts more than Newman does.

Newman shares her personal story of her son, Gus, who has autism and frequently interacts with Siri. Newman believes that this advanced technology has been beneficial to her son. He considers Siri to be his friend, and “she” is never judgemental of anything that he says. Newman adds to the conversation by giving an example of how artificial intelligence has no judgement. This also shows the danger of artificial intelligence because Siri can speak and perform functions a human might not even be able to do.

