Millennials vs Baby Boomers

McKayla Zimmerman
Published in
1 min readApr 19, 2018

Chauncey K. Robinson discusses the common opinion of millennials being society’s problem. He says that there is constant arguing between the two generations: the millennials and baby boomers. The generations are “at each others’ throats” and people claim millennials have a problem. Robinson offers a new way of looking at the situation. He says that the generations must work side by side because in today’s society, neither can afford not to work. They will be coexisting in the work force because “both generations face the same economic hardships and challenges”. Robinson has a civil way of looking at the situation. He says, “But perhaps Baby-Boomers and Millennials shouldn’t be as much at odds as the media, and other interested parties, would want everyone to believe”. He does not force his opinion and views on others but offers another way of seeing it. He puts the blame on no one in specific. Robinson counters other arguments respectfully and efficiently.

