Natalie Proulx: Trump a cyberbully?

Lexy Colberg
Published in
1 min readFeb 27, 2018

Joe Harris, author of the book Rewriting: How to d Things with Texts writes about countering in articles. He mentions three main point that would make a good countering article: arguing the other side, uncovering value, and dissenting. A great example of an article that shows countering is What do you think of President Trump’s use of Twitter? by Natalie Proulx. Proulx definitely uses the method, “arguing the other side” very well. She given wordy examples of how other people feel about Trumps speech and then Proulx asks questions to give the reader a train of thought. Her article suggests a “different way of thinking” because of the style it is written. This is not a normal article of someone telling you their opinion and then the reader deciding whether he or she disagrees with the article. This is an article that given examples from other people’s opinions and then Proulx asking the reader to about specific attributes of the article. Proulx is a distant writer that kept her own opinion and allowed the reader to form his or her own from fact. She provokes the reader to form a just thought about Trump’s use of Twitter as a platform to treat average day people, specific races, and other political representatives. In on of her texts by Micheal D. Shear he mentions, that Trumps uses of social media and judgement will overall discourage people from speaking out, out of fear.


