The War Between Social Media and Activism

Allison Kallok
Published in
2 min readFeb 23, 2018

In each of the three articles by Gladwell, Walton, and Stephen, they each have a different view on social media and how it effects political and social activism. In Gladwell’s, “Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not be Tweeted”, he explains how in the 1960’s during the Civil Rights Movement, there was no need for social media to spread awareness and grab people’s attention to be in the movement. For instance, “The kind of activism associated with social media isn’t like this at all. The platforms of social media are built around weak ties.” Throughout the rest of the article, he compares and contrasts why he believes social media and activism have no connection. However, in Walton’s article, “How Advocating from the Comfort of Our Own Has Impacted American Politics”, she explains the positive side of social media and the ways it has helped political activism. She does believe that there are negatives to social media, but it does help the people become more informed about issues. People who used to be considered “politically uninformed” are now able to are considered to be informed with social media. Not only are they more informed about issues around the world, people are now able to make more of a difference. For example, “Social media gives people the chance to make a difference, all from the comfort of their own home and with minimal effort.” Social media allows people to get out of their comfort zone and be able to support causes and activism. In Stephen’s “Get Up, Stand Up”, he explains how social media has helped the Black Lives Matter movement. He begins by talking about the Civil Rights Movement in the 60’s and how the movement has moved into today. Social media has helped spread even more awareness and has done many things to improve the life of African Americans. The author describes how social media has helped the movement physically throughout the United States. For instance, “It helped secure the removal of the Confederate flag from the South Carolina capitol. It helped pressure the federal government to investigate police practices in Ferguson and Baltimore…”. All three writers have different views and reasons for why social media has helped and not helped political and social media activism. Overall, I think social media has had more of a positive effect than a negative effect for activism. I think it can help promote online activism and help spread awareness for issues all around the world. Social media helps with many things, but mainly it helps spread news around and I think that is super important with activism. Technology has been a great help to social and political activism, even though there may be some flaws to it.

