LISTEN: Interview with Mary Nichols — Sustainability Leaders Podcast

E2 (Environmental Entrepreneurs)
Published in
1 min readJan 11, 2019

E2 is a proud co-sponsor of the new Jobs With Impact Sustainability Leaders Podcast, created by E2 Northern California director David Rosenheim. The latest podcast is with Mary Nichols, chair of the California Air Resources Board and one of the world’s leading voices on climate and clean energy policies. The podcast was recorded in front of a live audience of E2 members, supporters and others at the Santa Monica office of NRDC.

The conversation centers around Mary’s background, from her roots in Ithaca New York, to her time as the first female reporter for the WSJ, to her post overseeing the air and radiation section of US EPA under Clinton, to one of her current roles as negotiator-in-chief with the Trump Administration, as they seek to pull the US out of the Paris Agreement and roll back California’s right under the Clean Air Act to regulate vehicle emissions.

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